Bus Driver ~ Dustin Lynch ~ Part 2

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Requested by countrylover22

We had arrived at the venue a few hours before Dustin's show. He and the band went to do sound check and then they stayed back stage while I sat in the bus. I saw all the fans lining up at the entrance and at 7pm they were filing into the building. I could faintly hear the music through the open bus window and I sat listening for a while before deciding that I should make an effort to not look like I had just driven for 12 straight hours. I hurried to the tiny bathroom on the bus and slapped some makeup on my face. Once that was done, I went outside to grab my bag from under the bus and brought it back inside. I sifted through the few items of clothing that I had brought until I found something that would be suitable for dinner. By the time I had finished getting ready, I could hear everything in the venue winding down. I quickly threw my bag back under the bus and then hopped into the driver's seat. It was another half hour before Dustin and his band came out the back door and into the bus. I sat and watched them file in, looking tired from the show. Dustin was the last step up and he grinned when he saw me sitting in the front of the bus. I smiled back, "Are you sure you're not too tired to go out?"

He shook his head, "I feel fine." Then he squinted at me, "You trying to get out of our date?"

My eyes widened, "Of course not."

Dustin laughed, "Let me just change real quick and then we can head out." I nodded and he walked towards the back of the bus. It only took two minutes for Dustin to reemerge in new clothes with a grin on his face. He held his hand out as he approached, "Ready, Bailee?" I nodded as I took his hand and let him pull me from my seat. He helped me down from the bus and continued to hold my hand as we walked down the sidewalk together.

"So where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." I narrowed my eyes at Dustin, but he only whistled in response. A few minutes later, we stopped walking and I turned to look up at the Thai restaurant. I looked at Dustin and he was smiling nervously, "Is this okay?"

I nodded, "This is perfect." Dustin's smile widened as he held the door open for me. We walked in and were seated immediately. After we ordered, as we waited for our food, we talked about Dustin's show and the rest of his tour. Then he asked me about all the famous people that I had driven. We talked all throughout dinner. There was not a single moment of awkward silence.

After we paid the bill, Dustin took my hand again and we started walking back to the bus. "I'm really glad you said yes to dinner with me."

I smiled, a light blush coming to my cheeks, "Me too. I had a really nice time."

Dustin looked down at me, "Maybe we could do it again some time."

I nodded, "I'd like that." He grinned and looked forward again. I took the opportunity to lean up and press my lips against his cheek. If it was possible, I saw his grin widen.

Hope you like it! If not then let me know and I can fix it. Thanks for reading!

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