When Words Aren't Enough ~ William Michael Morgan

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Requested by itsemilyvee

William and I had been together for five months now and I never felt like this in any of my previous relationships. I loved him. But of course I was too nervous to tell him. I had never gotten to this part of a relationship, so I wondered if it was too soon to say it. What if he didn't love me back? What if I scared him by saying it? I didn't want to ruin everything, so I decided to keep my feelings to myself for now.

The sun had set hours ago, but I was so comfortable curled up in William's arms that I didn't want to move. He had no problem with it as he only pulled me in closer and continued rocking the porch swing at a steady pace. Just as my eyes fluttered shut, the swing stopped. I looked up at William, but his eyes were focused on the oak tree in the yard. "Babe?"

His gaze didn't waver, "Hm?"

"You okay?"

He looked down at me and attempted to smile, "Yeah. Just thinking." He looked back at the yard and I snuggled into his chest.

"About what?" He didn't answer, so I looked up to see him struggling with his thoughts. I sat up and faced him, "You can tell me." I grabbed his hand and held it tightly, "It's okay."

He squeezed my hand once before dropping it and standing from the swing, "I want to show you something. Nodding, I watched him step into the house. He was gone from my vision, but I could hear him shuffling some stuff around. It was only another minute before he was stepping back onto the patio with his guitar in his hand. I slid over on the swing to make room for him and he sat quickly. As he absentmindedly strummed the strings, he stared at the ground. He didn't make any move to show me what he brought the guitar out for. He just continued to stare at his feet.

I placed my hand on his arm and when he didn't move, I rubbed his arm gently, "Seriously, babe, are you okay?"

He nodded and finally looked into my eyes, "Sometimes words just aren't enough." William started strumming a melody and I watched as he tapped his foot. My hands flew to my mouth as I tried to stifle my gasp. William started singing as he played and I felt tears build up in my eyes. He wrote a song for me.

As William crooned the last note, I hiccuped and wiped away the few tears that had rolled down my cheeks. William gave me a hesitant smile and I grinned back at him, "That was beautiful. Thank you." His smile widened and he set his guitar down.

"I love you." I moved closer to William and gently took his face in my hands.

He looked nervous as I pressed my forehead against his and closed my eyes, "I love you too." He pressed his lips to mine as his hands found my waist and my arms wrapped around his neck, deepening our kiss.

I tweaked the plot a little bit, so I hope that's okay with you. Thanks for reading and I hope everyone enjoys this one! I'm trying really hard to get the requests done and I hope to have them finished before the new year. For the next two days, I have special Christmas imagines planned and then I'll get back to requests. Thanks again for reading and voting!

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