Grand Ole Opry ~ Martina McBride

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Requested by americacaudill04

I bounced around in my seat, much to the displeasure of those near me, but I didn't care. This was my first time at the Grand Ole Opry and it just so happened that my favorite artist was going to be performing here tonight. The lights dimmed and I sucked in a breath, finally calming enough to stop my constant moving. The curtains opened and the show began.

I sang and danced along to all of the opening acts, my excitement steadily growing until finally, Martina walked onto the stage. I cheered loudly and bounced in my seat once again. I sang along to all her songs and then she started Broken Wing. I swayed in my seat and listened intently to what she was singing. This was my favorite song and I loved hearing every word of it.

Soon after Broken Wing, Martina sang her last song and left the stage. I sat in my seat for a few minutes, just soaking up every bit of the night as I could. With a deep sigh, I stood from my seat and made my way out into the huge crowd of people exiting the Opry. There were so many people and I was getting a little tired of being bumped into, so I slipped passed the crowd and went around the back of the building. It was much less crowded this way and I was able to move quickly down the sidewalk and towards my car. Unfortunately in my rush, I failed to notice the person stepping out of one of the back doors before it was too late. I slammed into her, sending us both to the ground. Jumping to my feet, I held my hand out to help the person up, "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" The woman grabbed my hand and pulled herself up.

She smiled at me, "I'm fine." The air left my lungs as my eyes settled on the woman in front of me.

"You're Martina McBride." My eyes widened and I knew that I looked crazy, but I couldn't bring myself to care at the moment. My idol was standing right in front of me. Before she could answer, I started gushing, "Oh my goodness. I can't believe this is happening. I love you." I shook my head, "I mean, I love your music. And you are amazing and your show was amazing and I've seen you live like 20 times and every time is always better than the last." She chuckled and I immediately shut my mouth, my face turning red. "I'm sorry. It's just I never thought this would happen. Your music honestly means so much to me."

She put her hand on my shoulder and smiled, "Don't worry about it. And thank you for the compliments. What's your name, Sweetie?"

I hesitated before stuttering out, "America."

She laughed again. "Nice to meet you, America. Do you want to take a picture?" I nodded and frantically reached for my phone. Once it was out of my pocket, I held it with shaking hands, opening the camera app. Martina smiled and took the phone from me and held it up. She moved in next to me and flashed a grin as she snapped a photo of us. She handed the phone back to me and I stared at the picture for a second before stuffing the device back into my pocket.

I looked up at her, "Thank you so much." She nodded and waved as she was whisked away to her bus. I stood on the sidewalk for another minute, wondering if that had really happened. A smile spread across my face and I danced my way back to my car.

Hope this is okay! I was at the Opry once and it was like 6 or 7 years ago, so I'm not 100% sure on the details, but yeah. Thanks for reading!

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