Jitters ~ Kane Brown ~ Part 3

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Requested by BeccaaJohnson

I hummed along to the radio as I tried to stop myself from hyperventilating. Kane was trying and failing to hide his panic as he drove as quickly as was allowed, down the road. My water had broke as I was folding laundry, so Kane swept me out to the car and started driving to the hospital. "Okay, just relax and just breathe. Everything is gonna be fine." He glanced at me quickly before turning his eyes back to the road. I nodded and steadied my breathing. Kane continued to ramble about everything being fine and I noticed that his breath was coming in shorter than usual.

"I think you're the one who needs to relax."

His grip on the steering wheel tightened, "I am completely relaxed." He looked at me again, "Just focus on your breathing." I practiced the breathing techniques that I had learned in all those birthing classes that Kane and I took in the months leading up to this day. Kane was mumbling to himself.

I turned to him and smiled, "There's no need to be so jittery." Kane's grip on the steering wheel loosened and a smile slipped across his lips. My own smile turned to a grimace as I was hit with another contraction. This of course caused Kane to start to panic again. I sighed in relief as we pulled into one of the parking lots in front of the emergency room of the local hospital. Kane jumped out of the truck and ran over to my side. He pulled open my door and helped me out before reaching in the back and grabbing the overnight bag. Kane held onto my arm and led me up to the sliding doors. As soon as we entered the hospital, I was being placed into a wheelchair and Kane was pushing me up to the desk. I held my stomach as another contraction hit and Kane began to panic again as he explained to the nurse that I was in labor and I needed help right away.

The nurse held up her hand, "Everything is going to be fine, sir. You just need to calm down."

Kane motioned with his arm, knocking over some pamphlets, "I'm fine!" He scrambled to grab the papers and jam them back into their plastic display holder.

I smiled up at the nurse, "He's fine." She nodded at me and motioned to an orderly. The man came over and grabbed the handles of my wheelchair.

Kane stepped up next to him, "Um, that's my wife, I think I can," he motioned to the chair.

I shook my head and placed my hand on Kane's arm, "Babe, its fine." He looked down at me, his eyes deep pools of nervous energy. I smiled, "Walk next to me please?" I moved my hand off his arm, holding it out to him. He nodded and laced our fingers together as we made our way down the hall.

With each passing hour my contractions were getting closer together. It was starting to get unbearable and I hoped that the babies would be ready soon. I don't know how much more of this I could take. Mine and Kane's parents had been in and out to see me, but at the moment it was just Kane and I in the room. He hadn't left my side once and I was so grateful. The doctor came into the room, smiling at me, "Let's check and see if you're ready to push yet. Sound good?" I nodded and gripped Kane's hand. After a minute, the doctor smiled over at me, "Ready to push?"

I had Kane's hand in a death grip as I continued to push. The first baby was almost here and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to do this again in a few minutes. As I took a break, my head fell back against the pillow, "Kane. I don't know if I can..." I looked up at my husband, but he wasn't looking at me. He was frozen in his spot, staring at the doctor and everything that was going on. "Kane?"

"It's time to push again." I looked up at the doctor and nodded, starting to push. I looked back at Kane right as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

I squeezed his hand as hard as I could, "Don't you dare! You do not get to do this!" I shook Kane's arm and just before he wobbled and almost fell, he came back to reality, shaking his head. I glared at him, "Don't you dare do that again."

Kane shook his head, "I'm sorry, baby." I stuck my tongue out at him and continued to push. A cry broke through the air and I felt every muscle in my body relax as the doctor held my baby out to the nurse.

"Here's your baby girl." I smiled as the baby was placed on my chest, her cries echoing around the room. I stroked her head and smiled up at Kane to see him grinning down at me. At us.

"She's so beautiful."

I nodded, "She is." And then she was being taken from me. I felt my heart sink and I stared up at the nurse, "Wait..."

She only smiled, "It's time to push for the second baby." I looked up at Kane, fear clearly written on my face.

"I can't." My breathing got quicker and I felt the panic wash over me, "Kane, I can't."

Kane grabbed my hand and pressed his forehead to mine, "Hey, no need to be so jittery. You got this." He nodded as I shook my head. "Babe, you got this." I nodded and squeezed Kane's hand again.

My eyelids were getting heavy, but I fought to stay awake. Kane was lying in the bed next to me, holding our daughter while our son was cuddled up in my arms. He smiled down at me, "I told you you could do this."

I nodded, "Yeah, no thanks to you." I looked up at him, "Almost passing out on me."

Kane chuckled, "I'm sorry. It was just so crazy. I still can't believe that the human body is capable of such things." Kane leaned down and kissed my forehead, "I'm so proud of you."

I looked down at our twins, "They're perfect." Kane nodded, but before he could say anything there was a soft knock on the door and all four grandparents were poking their heads into the room.

My mom grinned, "Can we come in?" I nodded and they stumbled into the room, surrounding the bed and gushing over our beautiful babies.

"So Kane almost passed out during the birth." Our parents laughed and teased him as his dad pat his shoulder.

Kane shook his head at me, "Really? You had to tell them?"

I laughed, "This story will be told anytime someone asks about the babies. It's too good not to."

Kane rolled his eyes, "Well I'm glad you can laugh about it now. I thought you were gonna kill me then."

"You're lucky I love you, otherwise I would have."

Kane pecked my lips, "I love you too." The babies fussed, so Kane leaned down and placed a kiss on each of their heads, "And we love you guys too."

So this was requested by my favorite person ever! I hope you liked it! I'm gonna be honest this one got away from me a bit and ended up being twice as long as I had planned. Thanks for reading and I am trying my hardest to get the requests done, so thanks for everyone's patience.

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