Library ~ Kip Moore ~ Part 3

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I straightened out my shirt and looked at the door to the coffee shop. I had gotten here ten minutes early because I was afraid of being late and now I was wishing that I didn't have to sit here by myself. Wonder was sitting on the table in front of me and I started tapping on the cover. I've discussed books with plenty of people, so why was I so nervous now? I grabbed the mug that sat next to my book and brought it to my lips, blowing away the steam. Just as I was about to take a sip, the bell on the door rang. I looked up and saw Kip walking in. With a sharp intake of breath, I shakily placed my mug back on the table. He looked around quickly before spotting me. He smiled and I waved as he walked over, taking the seat across from me. "Hey, Belle."

I smiled, "Hi. How are you?"

He nodded, "Good. How are you?"

I laughed, "Fine." We sat in silence for a minute, not meeting each other's eyes.

Kip pointed to the counter, "I'm gonna grab a coffee. Do you want anything?" I shook my head, so he stood and made his way up to the counter. It was only a few minutes before Kip was back in the chair across from me, smiling. He leaned in closer to me, "So what did you think of the book?"

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