College Visits ~ William Michael Morgan

978 25 9

Requested by rachlove32

I hummed quietly to myself as I stared down at the textbooks and notes that were sprawled out on my mattress. I stuck my pencil into the bun that sat atop my head and moved a few papers around. Rubbing a hand over my face, I sighed. I had been staring at these notes for hours and my vision was starting to go fuzzy. This test was worth half my grade, so I knew I had to really buckle down and study as much as I could, but still I wished I could take a day off. I was really missing home and I would have loved to take a quick trip back to see everyone, but that wasn't possible. It would take six hours just to drive to my parents house and then another six to drive back. This was my senior year, so I had to make sure that I passed all my classes so that I would be able to graduate. I sighed again. Kicking my legs out, I fell back on my bed, knocking a few books on the floor in the process. My roommate laughed and looked over at me, "Come on, Rach! You can do it." I groaned and rolled off my bed, onto the floor. She laughed again, "I'll see you later. Good luck with the studying." I waved as she slipped out of the room, leaving me alone. Sighing, I crawled back onto my bed and immersed myself in my books. There was a soft knock at the door, but I ignored it. Probably just some confused person. There was another knock and then I heard a voice,

"I met a girl
She made me smile
She made me wait
She crossed the street
She crossed my heart."

My head snapped over to the door and I jumped to my feet. I knew that voice. Throwing the door open, I barely contained my scream at the sight of my boyfriend leaning in my doorway, smiling at me. I jumped into his arms, causing him to stumble slightly, and put my lips on his before pulling away and laughing, "Babe, what are you doing here?"

William held me tightly, "You sounded really upset when we talked on the phone last week and since I had a couple of days off, I decided to come visit you." He set me back on my feet and stared into my eyes, "Thought I'd cheer you up."

I pushed down the tears that were threatening to spill from my eyes, "You're the best."

He nodded, "Yeah." I hit his chest and he smiled, "So why don't you take a break from," he looked around me at my messy pile of papers and books, "studying and show me around your campus." I nodded and stepped back into my room to grab some shoes and my keys. William waited patiently and once I was ready, I dragged him down the hall and out into the courtyard.

"So this is where I sit in the grass and study with friends." William laughed and I pulled him along to the best cafe on campus. "This is my favorite place to grab coffee before class. Sometimes I come for lunch too. They make really good sandwiches."

"Do you want to stop and have coffee now?"

I nodded, "Yeah, but let's bring it back to my dorm. I don't want sit with a bunch of other people." I turned and looked up at William, "I want it to be just you and me."

He smiled down at me, "Whatever you want." So we grabbed two coffees and made our way back to my building and up to my dorm. I opened the door and ran to make my side of the room look somewhat presentable. Once I had cleaned my bed of all my papers, I motioned for William to sit down. He did so, leaning against my headboard. I sat between his legs and leaned against his chest. We sat, sipping our coffee and talking about school and about his music. I told him that I couldn't wait to graduate so that I could come home and he promised to take me on tour with him one day. Our coffee was long gone and I could feel my eyelids getting heavy and soon enough I was asleep.

I was awoken later by the sound of giggling and a camera flash. I opened my eyes to see that my roommate had returned and was taking a picture of me and William. I turned to apologize to my boyfriend, but he was still asleep. I smiled and snuggles closer to him. Kelly laughed, "I'll send you a copy of the picture, Rach." I leaned up and placed a kiss on William's cheek before closing my eyes once again.

Hope you like it! Request again whenever you want. And thanks for reading.

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