Meet Cute ~ Brett Eldredge

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Requested by iloveNiallLoiusnLiam

I smiled as I felt my skin absorbing the sun's rays. My face was tilted toward the sky with my eyes shut tight behind my sunglasses. "I'm really sorry it didn't work out with Trent." My attention turned to my best friend, who was sat with her legs crossed, on the blanket next to me.

I shook my head, "Oh, you're not sorry at all." She chuckled.

"Yeah, you're right." I laughed and she smiled, "I think I never liked you two because you didn't have a meet cute."

I pushed my sunglasses up and stared at her, "A what?"

"A meet cute. You know." I shook my head and she sighed, "Like you know in romantic comedies the two main characters always meet in some funny, but totally adorable way. A meet cute."

I continued to stare for a minute before dropping my sunglasses over my eyes again, "You're an idiot." I laughed as she slapped my arm.

"That was so rude."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh, come on, Liz, didn't you hear what you just said?" She shrugged and I laughed, "Romantic comedies, as in movies, as in fake."

She huffed, "It was just an example! Meet cutes happen in real life all the time."

I leaned back on my hands, "Yeah, well don't hold your breath." Suddenly my head jerked forward slightly as something came in contact with the back of it. I turned to see a bright green frisbee laying behind me and a chocolate lab running towards me. He jumped on the frisbee, picking it up in his mouth. The dog abruptly stopped as we made eye contact and instead of running off, he held the frisbee out to me. I giggled as I grabbed it and we played a game of tug of war. The dog pulled the frisbee from my hand and turned only to collide with the legs of a man.

The man kneeled next to the lab, holding onto his collar, "Are you being nice?" The dog dropped the frisbee and barked. The man turned to me, "I am so sorry for hitting you with that frisbee."

I smiled at him, "It's okay. I'm not bleeding, am I?" I turned so he could see the back of my head.

"No, you're good."

I turned back to face him, "Then it's all good." The dog jumped up between us, sticking his face right in mine. I laughed as I gently pushed him away, "What's this guy's name?" I scratched behind his ears.

"That's Edgar."

I watched Edgar as he rolled over, "I love when dogs have people names." I started scratching his belly. The man laughed and I looked at him.

He smiled and held his hand out, "I'm Brett."

I shook his hand with my free one, "Renea." Edgar barked, so I looked at him, "What? I'm still petting you." I took my hand from Brett's and started rubbing Edgar's belly with both my hands.

"He really likes you." Edgar abruptly rolled over and jumped up to lick my face. I giggled as I tried to push him away with little success. Brett tugged on his collar and Edgar backed off. "So would you want to go out sometime?" I looked at him, surprised. Brett rubbed Edgar's head, "I mean, Edgar and I would love to see you again."

I smiled, "Yeah, I'd really like that."

Brett grinned, "Great." He took out his phone and I put my number in it. We waved and then Brett and Edgar were gone. I turned back to Liz, who had been surprisingly quiet throughout the entire ordeal. She was grinning so widely that I thought her face was going to crack and she suddenly let out a high pitched squeal.

I groaned, "Oh no."

She grabbed my shoulder and started shaking me, "A meet cute!"

Leaning back on my elbows, I rolled my eyes, "Oh please."

"Oh it was adorable with the dog and everything. This is going to be your best relationship ever!" I chuckled as Liz continued to babble, hoping she was right.

Okay, so I kind of love this one, so I hope you do too, but if you don't then please let me know and I will fix it or rewrite it. Request again whenever you want!

Requests are open to everyone! Thanks for reading!

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