Drive-In Movie ~ TJ Osborne

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"So what movie is playing tonight?"

TJ looked over at me quickly, "Casablanca." I nodded and went back to looking out the window.

"Are we going to be there soon?"

TJ chuckled, "So impatient." I rolled my eyes. A minute later the car came to a stop and TJ looked at me, "Where should we park?" My eyes moved across the field which was already packed with cars.

I pointed, "There's a spot." TJ followed my finger and drove the car over. He turned the truck around, so that the tailgate would be facing the screen, and then he reached into the back seat. He pulled out two blankets and handed them to me. He then reached back and grabbed a couple of pillows.

He grinned down at me, "Shall we?" I nodded and slipped out the door and walked around
back. TJ followed and watched me unfold one of the blankets and throw it to cover the back. He tossed the pillows in, followed by the second blanket. Then he turned to me, "Snacks?" I nodded and grabbed his hand, leading him over to the concession stand. We waited in line, staring up at the menu. "What do you want?"

I pursed my lips, "Popcorn and Sour Patch Kids." TJ gently pulled me up to the counter and we ordered. Once we had our food we made our way back to the truck. TJ helped me up into the tailgate and I rearranged the pillows before cuddling up to my lovely boyfriend. He smiled down at me and wrapped his arms around my frame. I grabbed the extra blanket and draped it over our legs just as the movie started. TJ and I sat cuddled under the stars watching the movie. Or at least I was watching the movie. When I turned to see if he was enjoying it, I noticed that he was staring at me.

I smiled up at him as he leaned down to kiss my forehead, "Love you, babe."

Short one about TJ from Brothers Osborne. Requests are open!!

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