Hit the Road ~ Thomas Rhett

737 15 1

Requested by antihoshial

Thomas threw the last bag into the back of the car and slammed the trunk closed. I watched him as he came around to the driver's side of the car and climbed into his seat. He smiled over at me, "Ready to go, baby?" He threw the car into reverse and started backing out of the driveway.

I sighed, "Are you finally going to tell me where we're going?" I saw Thomas hold back his laughter, so I reached out and punched his arm, "You are such a jerk!"

Laughter slipped past his lips as he continued down the road, "Hey! You can't punch the driver." He looked at me quickly, "We could get into an accident." I huffed, crossed my arms over my chest and turned to look out the window. Thomas tried for the better part of an hour to get my attention, but I actively ignored him. Instead I turned up the volume of the radio and sang along to every song that came on. When Crash and Burn came on, Thomas got excited and went to turn the volume up even more, but I quickly changed the station. He gasped and gave me a scandalized look. I giggled at him and changed the station back, immediately falling into the song and singing all the words. Thomas smiled and sang along with me, grabbing my hand and bobbing his head back and forth. I laughed and Thomas smiled over at me, seemingly glad that I was in a good mood again.

We drove for hours, passing beautiful trees and moving along curvy roads. I had failed several times to figure out where we were going, but Thomas did keep me laughing as we sang along to the radio. A light snowfall had begun and I assumed the flurries would only get heavier the higher up the mountain we went. The sun would be setting soon, so we pulled off on the side of the road, near a cliff over looking a vast expanse of trees. I stepped out of the car, shrugging my jacket over my shoulders and pulling it tight around my body. Thomas met me in front of the car, a blanket tucked under his arm. He slung his free arm over my shoulder and led me over to one of the few picnic tables that littered the small area. He helped me up onto one and sat next to me, throwing the blanket over both of our shoulders. I cuddled further into his warmth, leaning my head on his shoulder. Thomas brushed some hair behind my ear as we sat in silence, watching the sun disappear behind the trees.

When the sun was completely set, Thomas and I jumped down from the table and made our way back to the car. I brushed some snowflakes from my hair and blasted the heat, trying desperately to warm my hands. Thomas started driving again and I wondered if we were going to reach our destination soon. "Hey, check it out." I looked to where Thomas was pointing to see a beautiful inn that was only made more lovely by the snow that had gathered on the ground and in the trees surrounding it. Thomas pulled into a parking spot and shut the car off.

I gazed at the building, "Its beautiful." I stepped out of the car, unable to tear my gaze from the sight in front of me.

Thomas came up next to me, gripping my hand in his, "Yeah, it is." He looked down at me, "Let's see if we can get a room."

I nodded, but then his words sunk in and I turned to look at him, "What do you mean see if we can get a room? You didn't make a reservation?"

He shook his head, "Nah, I haven't planned any part of this trip. Not really."

I gaped at him, "Wait a second. We've just been driving around with no destination in mind?"

My lovely boyfriend smirked at me, "It's not about the destination, it's about the journey."

I slapped his chest, "You're ridiculous."

Thomas leaned down, his lips an inch from mine, "You love me though." He went to connect our lips, but I pulled back. He looked at me, shocked and I giggled.

"You'll get your kiss if you get us a room." I gestured to the inn, stepping back.

He hung his head, but he smiled, "Fair enough." He grabbed my hand and we trudged through the fluffy snow, towards where we would be staying for the night. Hopefully.

Hope everyone enjoys this one. I have finals at the end of the week and then I am done with school until January! Which is good because I have a ton of requests to get through. Thanks again for everyone's patience.

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