Leafy Surprise ~ Chris Lane

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Requested by Luke_and_Dustin

There was a light breeze blowing through, which was going to make raking leaves a bit more difficult, but I knew I couldn't put it off any longer. I had told myself numerous times that I would get to it later and later was today. It had to be, otherwise I wouldn't be able to open my front door because of the pile of leaves covering the yard. I reluctantly pulled on my boots and some gloves and went out to the shed to grab the rake. I wish Chris was here, but he still had three days left on his tour. I sighed. He would have made this a lot more fun and left me feeling like I was playing some kind of game instead of doing work. Grumbling to myself, I gripped the rake and started pulling it across the grass, moving the crunchy, red and brown leaves into a pile.

After twenty minutes of working, I looked around the yard and sighed. It looked like I hadn't even started and I knew then that this was going to take all day. For half a second I considered throwing the take down and going inside to make some cocoa, but then I thought about Chris. It would be wrong to leave all of this for him to do when he got back, so I kept going.

It was hours before I had most of the yard finished, several large piles of leaves scattered about, and I congratulated myself for sticking with it. Just as I grabbed the rake again, I felt arms wrap around my waist and my feet left the ground. I screamed and swung the rake around, hitting whoever had grabbed me in the side of the head with the wooden handle of the garden tool. The person dropped me and hissed in pain as I whipped around, ready to hit them again when I stopped. "Chris?" My boyfriend was crouched down, holding his head with his eyes pinched shut. The pain was evident on his face and I felt guilt wash over me. Throwing the rake down, I rushed over to him, "I'm so sorry!"

Chris stood up and stared at me, "Damn, baby. Not the welcome home I was looking for." I moved his hand away from his head to get a better look at his injury. It was a little red, but other than that it didn't look too bad.

"I'm so sorry. I thought you were attacking me."

Chris looked at me sadly, "I was attacking you...with love." He grinned and I scoffed, smacking his arm.

"You're so stupid."

Chris wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest, "You love me."

Grinning, I wrapped my arms around his neck, "Yeah, unfortunately." Chris rolled his eyes and I giggled, "I missed you, baby."

Chris pressed our foreheads together, "I missed you too, Makayla." He pressed his lips to mine quickly, pulling away too soon for my liking. A sound of protest left my lips as I tried to kiss him again, but he pulled back, "Hold up, baby." I stared at him in confusion, but he only smirked, "Revenge." My eyes widened as Chris lifted me up and tossed me into one of the leaf piles. The leaves crunched as I hit them and Chris burst into laughter.

"You jerk! Do you know how many spiders are in here?" I grabbed a handful of leaves and flung them at my still laughing boyfriend, but they fell to the ground right in front of me, utterly useless. Chris laughed harder. I glared at him as I scrambled out of the leaves, brushing dirt from my pants, "You think this is funny?" I picked up the rake again, "Just you wait!" I leaped at Chris, but he dodged me and started running around the leaf piles. I chased him, swinging the rake wildly, "Get back here!" Chris laughed and continued running. He ducked behind a tree and I ran over to get him, but he caught me around the waist before I could hit him. I dropped the rake as he swung me around, stepping closer to one of the leaf piles. Chris fell back into the leaves, bringing me with him. I pushed up on the ground, but Chris held me in place. I smiled down at him as he leaned his head up, his lips ghosting over mine. Before he could connect them fully, I jumped up and ran towards the house. I could hear him huff and scramble to his feet.

I looked at him over my shoulder and winked, "Revenge!" Chris smirked and ran towards me as I ducked into the house, laughing.

I kind of hate the title of this one, but I couldn't think of anything better. Hope you enjoy this one! Since it's October, I decided to put some autumn fun in there. Thanks for reading!

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