Disney World ~ Chase Rice

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Requested by Harley-Quinn-Slays-

I skipped through the park gates, feeling more excited than I could ever remember feeling, with Chase walking behind me. I could hear him chuckling, but I didn't care. I was in Disney World and this was going to be the best day ever. Chase caught up with me and grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together. We walk halfway down Main Street USA before I pulled him over to a gift shop. He followed without a fight and waited while I ran around the whole store looking at everything they had. My eyes landed on matching Mickey and Minnie Mouse ears and I knew that we had to have them. I grabbed two pairs of ear and walked over the cashier. She greeted me with a smile and scanned the ears. I felt an arm snake around my waist and a head came to rest on my shoulder. I looked over at Chase's grinning face. "Whatcha buying, babe?"

I smirked at him, "You'll see." I reached for my wallet, but Chase pushed my hands away.

"I got it." He paid the girl behind the counter and she handed me the bag. I thanked her and Chase and I stepped back into Main Street. He kept his arm around my waist, "Gonna tell me what you bought now?" I reached into the bag and pulled out the Minnie Mouse ears. I smiled at him as I placed them on my head. He laughed, "Cute." Reaching into the bag again, I grabbed the Mickey ears and passed them over to Chase. He gave me an incredulous look, "I have to wear these?"

I nodded, "Hell yeah you do!" He sighed, but put them on. I smiled, "Cute!" I pulled my phone out and snapped a picture of him. He pulled a grumpy face and I smacked his shoulder lightly, "Way to ruin the picture." He grabbed my phone and turned the camera around. He threw his arm over my shoulder and smiled. I laughed as he took a picture of both of us. I took the phone back and jumped in place, "So what's first?" Chase and I spent the next few hours running around the park, going on every roller coaster we could find and spinning in the teacups as fast as we could.

"Want to take a break for lunch?" I nodded, so Chase lead me over to Cinderella's Table.

I sighed, "Babe, we'll never get in here."

He smirked back at me, "That's the beauty of reservations."

"Are you serious?" He nodded. I jumped into his arms, "You're the best!" Chase and I ate lunch with the Disney Princesses and then we were back at the rides. We went on Splash Mountain twice. We saw the Country Bear Jamboree and even had our picture taken with Mickey Mouse. As we exited Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin, Chase wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. I wrapped my arms around his middle and giggled as he kissed the top of my head. I looked up at him, "Can we go on It's a Small World?"

He looked down at me, "Anything for you." I smiled and leaned up and pecked his lips. We made our way over to the ride and waited on the line. Chase kept his arms wrapped around me as we waited, every so often he would lean down and kiss my cheek.

The sun was starting to set, so Chase and I made our way over to Cinderella's castle. There was already a ton of people there, but we managed to find a spot to sit on the grass. I sat between Chase's legs and he wrapped his arms around me. Soon after the sun had set the fireworks started. I stared up at them in complete awe. They were the most beautiful fireworks I had ever seen. I leaned further into Chase's chest. He tightened his grip on me and leaned close my ear, "Good day?"

I turned to face him, "Best day." He smiled and leaned down to kiss me.

I loved writing this one! Hope you like it, but if not then let me know and I can fix it.

Requests are open.

If you want a request, but don't have a scenario then I also do song imagines and I'm going to start doing one word prompts. For that, basically you tell me the artist, your name, and give me one word (like guitar, car, flowers, whiskey, etc.) and then I write an imagine based on that one word. So request away!! (I will still take scenarios if you have them)

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