Killer Queen ~ Kenny Chesney

546 21 6

Requested by Deonna_Grady

My bare feet slid across the kitchen floor as I came to a stop in front of the oven. Bending down, I clicked the oven light on and stared at the chicken which would hopefully be down within the next twenty minutes. I stood up straight and went back to cutting up vegetables for the salad. And that's when I saw it. A spider scuttling along the kitchen wall. I sighed and looked around the room for something to throw at it. Damn thing thinks it can come into my house and ruin my dinner? Hell no. I saw my discarded shoes in the corner and lunged to grab one. Once it was in my hand, I was back on my feet and searching for the intruder. The second I spotted him, I lobbed the shoe at the wall, successfully squishing him. "Ha!" I raised my arm in triumph and grabbed a tissue to clean up the spider guts. "That's what you get." I left the shoe in the spot where it had landed on the counter and went back to making the salad.

As I hummed to myself, the front door opened, "Letty? I'm home."

"I'm in here." Kenny stepped into the kitchen, dazzling smile directed at me. I smiled back and turned my attention to the mashed potatoes. He came up behind me and placed a kiss on my cheek, his warm hands landing on my waist.

"How was your day?"

I shrugged, "Fine. Uneventful." He nodded and stepped away from me.

"What's with the shoe?"

"I used it to kill a man today." Kenny stared at me and I shrugged, "A spider. I think it was a man. A man spider, if you will."

"Man spider?"

I nodded, "Not to be confused with Spiderman."

Kenny nodded and smiled, "Sounds dangerous."

I nodded again, "Oh, it was. I could have died."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed a kiss on my shoulder, "Well I'm glad you didn't." He pulled me closer to his chest, "I don't know what I would do without you." I sighed and melted into his touch.

Turning my head, I smiled at him, "Well you definitely wouldn't be eating food this good." I grabbed the serving spoon and tossed some mashed potatoes onto a plate.

Kenny laughed and pressed his face into my neck, "That is true." He let go of my waist and grabbed the silverware to set the table. The oven dinged and I grabbed the chicken, quickly putting it on the plates and bringing them to the table. All that man spider killing had me starved. Kenny and I sat across from each other and dug into our food.

"So how was your day, baby?"

Kenny smirked at me, "Not as interesting as yours."

"Well not everyone can be as interesting as me." I continued to cut up my chicken as I tried to hide my smile.

He laughed and shook his head, "That is true." It was quiet for a minute before I heard the clatter of utensils on plates and I looked up to see my lovely boyfriend staring at me. "By the way, how is killing a man spider uneventful in your eyes?"

I shrugged, "All in a day's work for the Killer Queen."

Please don't ask me what this is. I don't even know. But I hope you like it! If not then let me know and I will write something else. Requests are still closed. Thanks for reading! Also sorry about the damn and the hell.

Also!!! Kip Moore's third album has a release date and I could not be more excited for it!! September 8th!!! I can't wait!!! This is the exciting stuff, people!!!!

Question of the chapter: Who is your favorite non country artist?

I LOVE Molotov Jukebox and Little Mix.

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