Summer BBQ ~Luke Bryan

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Requested by Team-Captain-America

I moved around the back patio with ease, making sure everything was in it's proper place before people started to arrive. I felt arms snake around my waist, "How's everything out here, my beautiful wife?"

I turned and placed a gentle kiss on Luke's lips, "Everything's perfect, my handsome husband."

He grinned down at me, "Have I told you how beautiful you are and how lucky I am to have married you?"

I pursed my lips and looked up in thought, "Only every day for the last 5 weeks." I giggled while he kissed my nose. We were interrupted by the doorbell ringing. I pulled out of Luke's arms and ran towards the door, "Yay! They're here." I could hear Luke jogging behind me. I threw open the front door to see Thomas and Lauren standing there with huge smiles and a bottle of wine. I motioned them in, "Come in. Thanks so much for coming."

Lauren stepped in and gave me a hug, "Thanks for inviting us." She pulled away, "Do you need any help with anything?"

I shook my head and led the two out back, "No. Just sit and relax. You're guests." I took the bottle that Thomas offered me, "Can I get you anything?" They shook their heads, so I brought the wine inside to put it in the fridge. The doorbell rang again, so I ran to answer it. This time it was Carrie and Mike and just a few paces behind them was Dierks and Cassidy. I greeted everyone and pointed them to the back door. Just as I was about to join everyone else I saw Sam pull up and jump out of his car, "Hello, Sam!"

He waved, "Hello, Kylie!" As he made his way up the front path another car pulled up and out stepped Kenny and Miranda. I waved at them and we all made our way to the back patio where the party was in full swing. Luke and Dierks were at the BBQ and Thomas was messing with the radio. Miranda and I went over to join Carrie, Lauren, and Cassidy, who were sitting at the patio table. We sat around and talked for a while before Luke came over, holding a plate of food, "Food's done." He leaned down and kissed my cheek, "I made a plate for you, babe." He put the plate in front of me and sat in the empty chair beside me.

I grinned, "Thanks, baby." He moved his chair closer and put his arm around my shoulders. I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

Miranda awed, "You two are so cute. How's married life been?"

Luke stared into my eyes, "Perfect." Everyone awed.

Everything was going really well. Everyone was talking and laughing and I couldn't have asked for a better party. I was standing by the pool, talking to Lauren when Luke popped up and wrapped his arms around me. I leaned into him as he placed a kiss on top of my head. Lauren grinned at us, "I can't get over you two. You're adorable." Luke held me tighter and rested his head on my shoulder, kissing my cheek every so often as I continued talking to Lauren. I rolled my eyes as he kissed me for what felt like the thousandth time, but I really didn't want him to stop. Thomas suddenly ran over and pulled Lauren away, so I started to walk over to the kitchen to grab another bottle of wine. It was proving to be quite difficult though, as Luke was refusing to let me go.

I giggled, "Babe, I just wanna grab some more wine."

He held me tighter, "I don't want you to go."

"I'll be right back."

He nuzzled his face in my neck, "No." I could hear everyone laughing. I smiled and started to pull Luke along with me to the kitchen.

The sun was starting to set as Luke and I stood by the pool talking to Kenny and Sam. Luke once again had his arms wrapped around me as we swayed back and forth slightly. All of a sudden I felt myself falling and then hitting cold water. My head was submerged and I quickly pushed to the surface. Luke was right next to me. He looked over and took my head in his hands, "Are you okay?"

I nodded, still a little shocked, "I'm fine."

He nodded, "Good." He looked up at our attacker and glared, "You are so dead, Dierks!" Dierks laughed and ran as Luke jumped out of the pool and chased after him. Kenny came over and pulled me out of the pool while Carrie brought over a towel. I turned at the sound of Luke's laughter. He had a hold of Dierks and tossed him into the pool. Completely satisfied with himself, Luke sauntered back to me and started rubbing my arms, "You sure you're okay?" I nodded and stood on my toes to kiss his lips.

The moon was high in the sky and shining brighter than I had ever seen it. Everyone had gathered around the fire pit and was talking and laughing. I was sitting on a lounge chair, between Luke's legs with his arms wrapped around me. Miranda was next to us, giving us a sly grin every time Luke leaned down to kiss my cheek. Which was quite often. "Look, a shooting star." Everyone gazed up at the night sky and saw the star streaking across.

Luke leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Make a wish, baby."

I smiled and turned to him, "I already got my wish." He grinned and leaned down to place, probably the millionth kiss of the night on my lips.

Hope you liked it! If you didn't then let me know and I can fix it. Also feel free to request again whenever you want. Requests are always open!

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