Fair Grounds ~ Luke Bryan

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Requested by Team-Captain-America

"Kylie, babe, are you ready yet?" I bit my lip in concentration as I put the finishing touches on my makeup.

With a grin, I called down the stairs, "I'm coming!" I slid into the bedroom and grabbed my shoes before darting down the stairs. I tripped on the last step, but luckily my wonderful boyfriend was there to catch me. I giggled and kissed his cheek, "Thanks, baby." Sliding on my shoes I looked up at Luke, "You gonna tell me where we're going?"

He smirked down at me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "Now if I did that then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?" I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed and led me out the door and into the car. Luke pulled out of the driveway and we were on our way.

We drove for twenty minutes before Luke was pulling into a gravel parking lot. A grin spread across my face as I saw that he had brought me to the county fair. I turned to him, trying to contain my excitement, and laughed, "Let's go!" I threw open my car door and ran up to the entrance. I could hear Luke laughing and running behind me. I slowed down a little, "Come on, slowpoke! I wanna ride the bumper cars." I could hear him mumble something along the lines of 'hold your horses' under his breath and I smirked. Picking up the pace once again, I made it to the bumper cars in no time.

Luke met me at the end of the line, "Would it have killed you to wait two seconds for me?" I nodded and wrapped my arms around his waist. He kissed the top of my head, "You're lucky I love you."

I grinned, "Love you too."

Luke and I rode the bumper cars three times and then we moved onto the other rides. My sides were starting to hurt from laughing so much, so Luke suggested that we take a break and get something to eat. "Fried Oreos!" Luke turned to me, "Babe, we have to get those."

I giggled at how his eyes lit up, "I've never had them before."

He gave me a disbelieving look, "Are you kidding me?" I shook my head, a few giggles slipping out at his expression. He grabbed my hand and started to pull me towards the food stand, "They're the best. You have to try them!" When we got to the stand, Luke ordered the fried Oreos and as soon as they were in his hands he was pushing them towards me, "Go ahead." I picked one up and looked at it skeptically. What did I have to lose? I took a small bite. Luke looked at me expectantly.

I nodded, "They're good." I took another bite, "Really good."

He picked one up and popped it in his mouth, "Told you you would love them." Luke spent the next half hour introducing me to all the fair food that I never tried before. Then we made our way over to the carnival games.

"Oh look at that cute bear."

Luke smiled down at me, "You got it." He unhooked our arms and made his way over to the booth.

I followed him, "Got what?"

"The bear."

I sidled up next to him, "Babe, you don't have to do that." Luke handed some money over to the guy and the guy gave him three baseballs.

Luke picked one up and got ready to throw it, "My baby wants a bear, she's getting a bear." I rolled my eyes and watched as Luke threw the ball, but only knocked down the top three bottles. The guy reset the bottles and Luke threw again. And nothing.

I put my hand on his arm, "Babe, it's fine. These games are rigged anyway." He looked at me and winked before picking up the last ball and letting it fly.

"And we have a winner. Pick your prize." Luke pointed to the big purple bear and the man handed it over.

Luke passed it to me with a grin, "For you, m'lady."

I took the bear and leaned up to kiss Luke's cheek, "Thank you, babe. He's adorable."

As the sun was starting to set, Luke grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the Ferris wheel. We slid into the cart and Luke wrapped his arms around me. I put my head on his shoulder, "I'm so glad you had a day off from touring and everything."

I could feel his smile, "Yeah, me too." He kissed the top of my head, "And I'm glad I got to spend it with you." I turned my head up and looked at him. He brushed my hair behind my ear and leaned down, his lips stopping a centimeter from mine. I smiled and closed the gap.

I really enjoyed writing this one. Hope you like it! Request again whenever you want!!

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