Bus Driver ~ Dustin Lynch

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Requested by countrylover22

I always loved driving, so it was only natural that I find a job that would allow me to drive all night and day. It was luck that I came across this particular job though. I always thought that if I wanted to drive around 24/7 then I would have to get a job driving one of those 18 wheelers, but I was wrong. I could be a bus driver. And I'm not talking about public transportation or school buses. I'm talking about tour buses. Those big vehicles that carry musicians around the country. Yeah, it was a pretty sweet gig. Especially since I got to drive around some really cool, really famous people. My current bus resident was Dustin Lynch. I smiled to myself, my eyes focused on the road ahead of me. The sun had already set, but I kept driving. We needed to be in the next city by tomorrow morning and we were still quite the ways away. Everyone was sleeping in the back of the bus and I was growing tired of the silence. Turning the radio on, I lowered the volume, so it wouldn't be too noticeable. Bobbing my head to the music, I started to get really into the song, singing along to all the words. "Hey, that's pretty good."

I drew in a sharp breath, "You scared me." I glanced to my side to see Dustin sitting in the passenger seat.

He chuckled, "I'm sorry."

I scoffed at him, "I don't see why you're laughing. We could have crashed. You could have caused us to crash."

He chuckled again before quieting down, "You're right and I apologize."

I smiled, "So what are you doing up? You have a show tomorrow night. You should be resting."

"Ah, I couldn't sleep. And I figured you'd like some company."

"That's very sweet of you." We sat in silence for a few minutes. Dustin stared at the passing scenery while I concentrated on the road.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed him turn to me, "So how did you get into this?"

"Driving tour buses?" He nodded and I laughed, "I like driving." He gave me the 'go on' gesture and I laughed again, "I like driving and this luxury bus is way better than an 18 wheeler."

Dustin chuckled, "Well I'm glad you chose the tour bus life." I felt my face heat up. I could see Dustin's smile, "So listen, would you maybe want to get some dinner after the show tomorrow?"

I looked at him quickly, unable to contain my smile, "Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that."

So sorry for the wait and I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know if you didn't and I can fix it.

And now I would like to tell you all about my brand new project which is my magical jar of writing prompts. So basically I've been writing prompts onto colorful slips of paper and tossing them into a jar. So I pick one out and use that as inspiration for an imagine. That's what I used to write this imagine. So if anyone wants an imagine with a prompt from my magical jar then just let me know.

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