Clingy ~ Dustin Lynch

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Requested by goldenherron

I hummed to myself as I finished wiping down the kitchen counters. The only left was to sweep the floor real quick and then I would be free to move onto the dining room. As I grabbed the broom, I heard the front door swing open and Dustin's footsteps as he moved down the hall, "Hey, babe! I'm home!" I made some kind of sound of recognition, which led the man to the kitchen. He smiled when he saw me sweeping, "What's going on, baby?"

I turned to him as I swept up the last of the dust and moved towards the trash can, "Just finished cleaning the kitchen and now I'm gonna move onto the dining room." After tossing the broom back into the closet, I stepped over to Dustin and kissed his cheek, "How was your day?"

He smiled, his arms sneaking around my waist, "Good, but it's better now that you're in my arms." I rolled my eyes as Dustin laid his head on my shoulder, still holding me tightly around the waist.

I tapped the side of his head, "That's sweet, but I still have a lot to get done before your parents get here, so if you could just..." I tapped his arms, but he didn't take the hint. He only tightened his grip. I laughed, "Dustin! I'm being serious." I took a few steps forward, but he only followed my footsteps. Huffing, I tried to pry his arms away from me, but he wouldn't budge. "Babe!" He finally released me and I turned to him, eyes narrowed, "I have a lot to get done."

Dustin shook his head, "I think you should take a break and come cuddle with me on the couch." Shaking my head, I went to grab a rag and the can of Pledge, but Dustin beat me to it. He grabbed my supplies and danced away from my swinging arm, "You look like you need a break," he tossed the cleaning supplies across the island, "and I need to spend time with you." I went to move around the island, but Dustin was quicker and he jumped in front of me.

"You know, if you helped me then I'd be done quicker and we could cuddle before your parents get here." Dustin looked like he was considering my offer, tilting his head back and forth, before he shook his head and smiled widely, "Nah, we should just cuddle now." He grabbed my hand, interlacing our fingers, and started to pull me to the living room. I dragged my feet, but my boyfriend was not one to be deterred, so we eventually found ourselves in front of the couch. Dustin fell onto the cool leather, pulling me with him.

Sighing, I pulled my phone from my pocket, "Fine, but only for two minutes." Dustin nodded and I rolled my eyes, "I'm serious." I waved my phone in front of his face, "I'm setting an alarm." I set a counter for two minutes, showing it to Dustin before cuddling into his chest. He sighed as he wrapped his arms around me and closed his eyes.

"Isn't this better than cleaning?" I nodded, letting my own eyes slip shut. It was quiet, the only sound was Dustin's sighs of contentment every few seconds. And then a shrill ringing went off, causing Dustin to groan. I slid my thumb across my phone screen, effectively turning the alarm off, and tried to stand up, but Dustin refused to let go of me.

"Come on. I really need to finish everything up." Dustin shook his head and I laughed, "You agreed to two minutes and now those two minutes are up." I tapped his arms, but he only responded with a fake snore. I laughed, "I know you're not sleeping." He didn't say anything, only nuzzled more into my neck. I knew it was hopeless. He was never going to let me up. Deciding that it wasn't worth the fight, I laid my head back on his chest, "I don't wanna hear it when your parents show up and nothing is ready."

His eyes remained closed and his grip tightened, "Wouldn't dream of it, baby."

Sorry about the wait and I hope you enjoy! I have a long list of requests, so I thank everyone for their patience as I work through them all. Thanks for reading!

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