Saved ~ Josh Turner

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Requested by _joshturnerfam

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and all that jazz. The only reason the day was so beautiful to me was because he was going to meet me at the park. We had this on again off again relationship. When we were off, he was on with another woman, but he was coming back into town and he told me he wanted to talk. He told me that he was done messing around and he wanted me only. I told him to met me at Sandy's Park, at the bench where we first met. That's where I currently sat, holding two cups of coffee, waiting. I looked up as someone approached, a wide grin on my face. That grin diminished as I looked at the person who gestured to the bench, "Oh I'm sorry, but I'm saving this seat for someone." The man nodded and moved on. I went back to my dream world, where he showed up and swept me off my feet. Where we got married and bought a house and had some kids. Where everything was perfect. I looked down at my watch. He was running a little late, but I wasn't worried. That's how he is, always late. Twenty minutes later and someone else came over and asked to sit on the bench. I gave a small smile, "It's saved." They went on and I leaned back, the smile slipping from my lips.

An hour later, I heard someone step up to the bench. My eyes flew open and I looked at the man in front of me. He smiled, but I couldn't return it. He gestured to the bench, "Mind if I sit down?"

I sighed, nodding slowly, "Go ahead." I stared off at the park's gate.

"You okay?" I turned to look at the man who had sat next to me. He had short brown hair and stubble on his chin and a wide smile on his face.

"I'm fine." I looked away from him again.

The man sighed, "I'm Josh." I looked back and he was holding out his hand.

I hesitated, but finally took his hand in mine, "Raegan."

"That's very pretty." I didn't say anything, just nodded. He smiled at me, "Mind if I ask what you were doing all alone on this bench with two coffees?"

Shaking my head, I chuckled humorlessly, "I was, uh, saving that seat for someone," I pointed to where he was sitting, "but he never showed."

Josh nodded, "Well if you don't mind me saying, he was a damn fool to stand you up."

I shook my head again, "Yeah, he is a fool. But I guess I am too for thinking that he'd actually show up."

"I don't know. You don't look like a fool to me."

I scoffed and stared at him, "You don't know anything about me."

He smiled again, "Can I get to know you?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "What?"

"Let me buy you a coffee."

I held up my cup with a smirk, "I already have a coffee." I took a sip, my face immediately contorting into a look of disgust, the coffee was cold. Josh chuckled and I rolled my eyes, "Fine. Let's get coffee."

He raised an eyebrow at me, "Yeah?"

I stood with a smile, "Yeah." He smiled back and jumped to his feet, leading me out onto the sidewalk and down to the coffee shop.

Well this is a surprise. Two updates in two days. Thanks for reading and hope you like it.

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