Picture Reaction ~ Brett Eldredge

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Tapping my fingers against the bathroom sink, I stared straight at the wall. It took every ounce of willpower I had to not look at the little plastic stick sitting a few inches to the left. My watch beeped and I scrambled to turn it off before quickly grabbing the pregnancy test. I took a deep breath and looked at the results. Positive. A grin broke out on my face as a sigh of pure joy and relief left my lips. It's positive. I laughed and reached for my phone, ready to call Brett and tell him the good news. Unlocking my phone, I found his number and stared down at it, my finger hovering over the screen. I should tell him in person. I locked my phone again and tossed the test into the trash. Gingerly stepping out of the bathroom, I was met with Edgar's big doggy smile. I scratched his ears and walked into the living room. Flopping onto the couch, I grabbed the remote and started to channel surf as Edgar jumped up next to me. After deciding on a channel, I absentmindedly scratched Eddie's head as I waited for Brett to return home.

"Take me the long way around your town." I sat up as the front door swung open and Brett stepped into the apartment. Edgar lifted his head at the commotion, but quickly laid his head back in my lap. He smiled over at me as I giggled. "Were you the queen with the silver crown?" Brett sat on the couch and kissed my cheek, "Hey, beautiful."

I smiled over at him, "Hey." Brett slung his arm over my shoulder and cuddled up next to me. I melted into his side. This was the perfect time to tell him. I turned, "Hey, babe..." Brett looked at me and I was struck with a brilliant idea.


I snapped out of my thought and smiled, "You look super cute today."

He laughed, "Thanks, babe. So do you."

I pulled my phone from my pocket, "Let's take a picture." Brett nodded, so I held the phone up and flipped the camera around. As I framed us in the shot, I noticed Brett's grin. This was going to be too good. "Ready? 1...2...3." I smiled, "I'm pregnant." Click. My finger tapped the screen and the photo saved to the camera roll. I pulled the picture back up and giggled at Brett's wide eyes and gaping mouth. Looking over at Brett, I saw him in basically the same way as depicted in the photo. My laugh brought him back to reality.

"Are you serious?" I nodded and he tackled me onto the couch, kissing me deeply. I ran my fingers through his hair as he pulled away. "This is incredible." I nodded and he kissed me again.

"I can't wait to tell everyone we know." I held my phone up, "And show them this amazing picture."

I love adding Edgar into my Brett imagines. I'm going to be opening requests again, so please remember to inbox them. Requests left in the comments will not be filled. If there is any confusion on how to request, please check back on the first chapter of this book. Thanks for reading!

Also Kip Moore's new album comes out on September 8th and I cannot wait for it. The Bull is amazing and I cannot wait to hear the rest of the album.

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