Lazy Days ~ Brett Eldredge

736 24 12

Requested by JaylinMoore1

I dropped onto the couch, next to Brett's stretched out form, "So what are the plans for today?"

Brett sighed as he flung his arms around me and pulled me into his side, "No plans." He buried his face in my hair, "Just wanna stay home and cuddle with you." He pushed in closer and I giggled.

"You must be really tired." He nodded, but didn't say anything. "And you probably drank too much last night." He groaned and I laughed, "You're so clingy." I tried to push him away, but that only made him hold on tighter. I gave one final push, but it did nothing. "If we're going to stay in, can we at least watch a movie?" I flung my arms towards the tv which caused Brett to finally let go of me. He looked to where I had gestured and nodded his head.

"What movie should we watch?" I shrugged as I jumped up from the couch and made my way into the kitchen. Brett groaned and I heard a thud, so I can only assume he threw himself onto the floor. Giggling quietly, I raided the cabinets and brought some snacks and drinks out to the living room. Everything was spread out on the coffee table, so I fell back on the couch, watching Brett dig through our collection of DVDs. He sighed and dramatically tossed the cases about, claiming he couldn't find anything good.

I laughed, "There's got to be 100 movies in there!"

He looked over at me, "You pick one then." He crawled back to the couch and threw himself next to me.

"Fine, but you have to watch whatever I pick with absolutely no complaints."

He considered this for a moment before nodding, "Deal." Grinning, I made my way over to the shelves and sifted through the movies quickly before grabbing one and popping it into the player. As I walked back to the couch, Brett wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his lap. He nuzzled his face in my hair again, "What'd ya pick?"

"Wait and see." The opening credits of the movie started playing and Brett laughed when The Circle of Life came blaring through the tv's speakers.

About halfway through the movie, I could tell that Brett was bored. He kept his promise to not complain, but that didn't stop him from playing with my hair and sighing deeply. I smirked as he sighed again. "Bored?" He shook his head and I laughed, "Liar." Turning to face him, I smiled. Brett grinned back and I leaned in to press my lips against his. He immediately responded and tightened his hold on my waist. I shifted, so that I wouldn't have to crane my neck so badly and Brett sighed into our kiss. I pulled away from the kiss, but stayed close to his lips, "I like this lazy day."

Brett grinned, "Me too." He leaned in again, attaching his lips to mine. Suddenly there was a weight on the couch and Edgar was pushing his nose between our lips. His tongue flailed out and passed over Brett's face, causing him to sputter and me to laugh. "Edgar!" The dog only barked and turned to me, kissing my face. Brett tried to pull him off, but ended up on the floor instead. I laughed harder.

I scratched Edgar's head and managed to speak between giggles, "I guess someone wanted in on our lazy day." Brett glared up at me, but I only continued to laugh.

Hey, everyone, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this one. Requests are still closed.

Question of the day: What's your dream concert line up?

Mine is Kelleigh Bannen, Kip Moore, Miranda Lambert, and George Strait.  

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