Kissed You Goodnight ~ Kip Moore

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It was quiet except for the radio playing softly. Kip was concentrated on the road and I was enjoying the comfortable silence that we had slipped into. Considering this was only our third date and we didn't feel the need to constantly fill the air with chatter was a good sign to me. The car came to a stop in front of my house and Kip jumped out, quickly making his way around to my side to open my door for me. I smiled as I took his hand and let him help me to the ground. He dropped my hand when I was steady on my feet and we turned towards the house. We walked shoulder to shoulder up the path to the front porch, our fingers brushing together. The quiet remained as we stopped in front of my front door and I dug my keys out of my bag. Kip watched me find the keys and unlock the door before he spoke, "I had a great time tonight."

After pushing the door open, I turned to him, "Me too." He smiled and we stood there, staring at each other. He moved in closer and I angled my body to face him completely.

He smiled again, "Well good night."

Looking down at the worn floorboards of the porch, I played with the hem of my sweater, "Good night." I looked up and smiled when I caught his eyes. He lingered for another minute, sliding his heel on the old wood. Then he nodded and turned, heading back down the path towards his car. I watched him for only a second before slipping into the old house and closing the door with a soft click. Leaning against the door, I sighed. Sliding over to the front window next to the door, I slid back the lace curtain and watched Kip and he reached the end of the pathway. He paused, swinging his keys in his hand. I watched as he debated with himself before he turned and jogged back down the path. I quickly stepped back from the window, letting the curtain fall back into place.

I could hear Kip's boots thud against the porch, the boards creaking under the sudden weight. The noise snapped me back to reality and I pulled the front door open. Kip was standing there, his hand raised to knock. He looked startled, but he quickly recovered and let out a breath, "I was just thinking that I should have kissed you."

I nodded, "You should do it now."

He swallowed as he took a step forward, "Yeah?"

I smiled at him, "Yeah." He smiled back and took another step forward. Then his hands were on my cheeks and his lips were pressed against mine.

Hey, so I feel really bad that I haven't updated this in so long. I've been sidetracked and I lost all motivation for this book, but I'm trying to get everything in my drafts done. This one is based on (Kissed You) Good Night by Gloriana. It's an amazing song and I love it, so if you haven't heard it then you should check it out. Thanks for reading!

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