Awkward 3 Pages

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So this is sort of the start of the beginning of my new story! Hope you like it and I would love if I got some feedback! Thanks ilysfm<3

*This is all mine, i own it, please dont take it


                                                                            I Owe You One

The heart monitor beeped steadily as her friends heart did not.

"What have I gotten myself into?" She sighed, still holding the others hand.

Her friend laughed, then began coughing. "This time."

She laughed and felt herself exhale with relief. The last time her friend's cancerous lungs acted up they needed an AED.

"Remember when we were 13 and went to that stupid summer camp?" The monitor sent out annoying beeps again. It sounded almost like a fire alarm, but much softer.

"Yeah, I remember." She smiled at the thought. Those were the good days, the days when her friend could breath without tubes sticking out her stomach.

Her friend hacked once more and the heart monitor dropped to low.

"Nurse!" The other screamed. Tears burned her eyes as her friend struggled for breath.

"Come here." She breathed. The other leaned into her mouth, low enough to hear her. "I owe you one."


The monitor let out one long lasting beep, and her friend's chest dropped.

She gripped her friend's hand and pretended if she held it hard enough, life would will back into her lifeless body. Her skin was ice-cold and there was n't a pulse.

The doctors shoved her out of the way as they tried CPR. She watched in terror until they finally stopped, doctors sulking around the bed.

"I'm calling it." One announced. "Time of death, 11:53 pm."

Her brown hair hung over the bed as the wheeled her out. A cloth was over her body like a shield, covering her from the life she would have had.

The hallway was a mess. Family, friends and anyone she knew stood sobbing, holding each other. It was horrible because all you could hear was their screams.

She didn't have the courage to walk out and talk to her friend's parents again so she leaned against a wall. Her head throbbed as she slid down, head in hands.

"Miss, we need you to move." A nurse said.

She couldn't reply. Everything was numb.

It's just a bad dream, she told herself. I'll wake up and she'll be okay.

She pinched her arm tightly, without proof she was asleep.

It was all real.


The funeral was in an hour and she still didn't want to move out of the warm cocoon of blankets. Her black dress hung in the closet, waiting to be worn.

She finally got out of bed for the first time in days, and brushed through her blonde hair.

It made her feel better, finally feeling clean.

She slid into the dress, it clung to her hips perfectly and made her eyes look dark. She put on her glasses and shoved her feet into the matching black heels.

A knock echoed off the door. It creaked open slowly and her mother appeared.

"Time to go." She said quietly.

The car ride there was silent. It was scary but somewhat soothing. Arriving was the worst, knowing she'd have to deliver a speech, knowing she would break down in front of lots of people.


The priest smiled and gestured toward her seat. "Now, someone very special wants to give a speech."

It was the most nerve-wrecking walk she'd ever done. She cleared her throat and faced the audience.

"My name is Marie," She gulped. "And I'm going to tell you about my best friend."

-Elizabeth G. Mellors

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