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The guys/girls nickname for you! Enjoy!



Dean calls you Cutie Pie and you call him Boo.

"Hey, Cutie Pie." Dean said, wrapping an arm around your waist. He smiled, making you smile. You looped your arms around his neck and pecked his nose.

"Hi Boo."

His cuteness was to much so you moved your finger around his cheek.

"Whatch doin'?" He asked, awkwardly giggling.

"Nothing." You sighed and kissed him. How lucky you both were.


Sam calls you Peach and you call him Superman.

"Sam!" You called from across the park. You stood on your tip-toes an frantically waved your arms. He caught your eye and jogged to meet you. He lifted you into his arms and nuzzled his cheek into your neck.

"Hey Superman. Want those flying lessons yet?" You mocked. He laughed softly and put you down, still holding your hand.

"Whatever Peaches."

You rolled your eyes but secretly loved the name he had given you.


Cas calls you  Bumble Bee and you call him Angel Face

Cas, You prayed. Castiel, please. I'm lonely. If your not busy...

Silence surrounded your dark room in the bunker. It was very lonely, being the youngest Winchester sibling. They didn't let you go on serious hunts. They introduced you to Cas and you had instantly fallen for him.

"Hello, my Bumble Bee." Cas's sweet voice filled the silence as you hugged him tightly. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Angel Face."


Kevin calls you Sprinkles and you call him Kevy

You sat in the kitchen of Kevin's small boat decorating cupcakes for him. He loved cupcakes and loved sprinkles. He caught you dump half a bottle on one cupcake one time and started calling you Sprinkles.

"Hey, Kevy! Can you grab some salt while your out." You called from the bedroom. You didn't realize he was in the same room.

"No need to shout." He said, sitting next to you on the bench.


"Don't apologize my Sprinkle." You both laughed and kissed him gently on the lips.


He calls you Sugar and you call him Sweet Cheeks

"I need help!" You yelled. Everybody just buzzed past, not giving you a second look or even one at all. "Please!"

As the blood dripped from your nose onto the grass your head began to throb.

"Hey, Sugar, I'm here now. Sorry." Gabe said, wiping your nose with a yellow cloth. He held your head on his chest and with one arm securely around your waist. You looped your arms around his waist. He dropped the hand holding your head and you touched his cheek.

"Thanks Sweet Cheeks."

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