Sam x Reader

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(Season 8)

Imagine... Stopping Sam from the trails.


You kicked open the church door and rushed inside. Sam was about to complete the trial and you had to stop him.

"Take it easy. There's a slight change of plan." You rushed on your words, urging him to stop.

"What?" His voice was raspy and he sounded pissed. "What's going on? Where's Dean and Cas?"

"Metatron lied. You finish this trial, your dead, Sam."

Out of all the responses to 'Phew! Thanks for stopping me.' to ' Screw Metatron! Lets go home.'  You don't think you would have ever wanted to hear the real one.

He looked around the dark room before answering.

"So?" He looked at you dumbfounded, like, why can't you just let me die?

Your world had just crashed. You'd rather have an arrow stuck through your heart a thousand times than hear that.

"Look at him. Look at him! Look how close we are! Other people will die if I don't finish this!" He yelled.

"Think about it." You said sternly. "Think about what we know. We have enough knowledge on you side to turn the tide here!" You took a deep breath. "And Dean can't do it without you. I can't do it without you."

"Dean can barely do it with me! He thinks I screw up everything I try.  He thinks I need a chaperon, remember?" Sam got closer to you.

"That's not what he meant-"

"That's exactly what he meant. It's exactly what you mean too."

"It's not true!" You yelled.

"You wonna know what I confessed in there? What my greatest sin was?" You looked at him, waiting for an answer. "How many times I let you and Dean down. I can't do that again."


"What happens when he's decided I can't be trusted again? I mean, who are you gonna turn to next time instead of me? Another angel, another vampire? Do you have any idea what it feels like to watch your brother-"

"Hold on!" You yelled. You'd had enough of this crap. "Do you seriously think Dean would put anything in front of you past or present? Because none of it, NONE of it is true. I know you've had your disagreements and he said shit to throw you back on your heels, but Sammy. Come on! He killed Benny to save you. I was there, I saw it with my own eyes. He's willing to let- He was willing to let me die to save you." More tears poured down your face and he looked down. "Listen. We are going to make this right. We'll figure it out. Just like we always do."

You grabbed his hand and wrapped a bandanna around it. He shoved you into his arms.

"Just let it go. Let it go, Sammy." He was warm with a fever. You pulled away just enough to kiss his head.

"Hey hey hey, look." He pulled away and showed you his arms. The light had faded and for a moment, You felt joy. He gripped your hands and gave you a look. You couldn't tell if it was a sorry or love look.

He groaned and slumped forward onto your shoulders. You quickly dragged him to the Impala but he fell on the side, pulling you down with him.

"It's okay Sammy, your gonna be just fine!" You half yelled over the sound of thunder.

Suddenly, hundreds- No, thousands of white bright light erupted from the grey sky. Sam pulled you under his arm as if to shield you.

"What's going on?" He yelled.

You shrugged off his arm and stood in sudden shock as angels poured down on earth from Heaven.

"The angels," You told him. "Their falling..."

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