Dean x Reader

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Imagine... Meeting Dean at a coffee shop.

You sat down and opened your laptop. It was almost dead, so you planned to leave right after breakfast.

It didn't happen like that.

The waitress gave you your food and rushed off to the next table. You typed away on your laptop, casually listening to peoples conversations.

"I'm sorry, there just aren't anymore tables!" The manager argued.

"It'll be quick." The guy promised.

"Unless soemone wants to share with you, which I highly doubt, you need to leave."The guy looked around and spotted the empty spot next to you. 

He's gonna ask me isn't me. I bet you 10 bucks

As I expected, the guy walked up to you. "Can I sit next to you? And maybe get your number?"

"Sure." You said. Why not? He was hot. He sat down and put his arm across your chair.

"I'll have eggs with a side of bacon and coffee. Black."  He ordered. The manager flushed a deep red.

You took a sip of coffee. It needed more sugar.  

"So, whats your name?" He asked, looking kind of desperate.

"[Y/n]. And can you give me a pack of sugar? It's right by your hand." He nodded and handed it to you. "Thanks. What's your name, or should I call you Ken Doll?"

He laughed. "Dean. Pleasure meeting you, [y/n]." He held his huge hand out for you to shake. You took it and shook. Your hand was tiny compared to his massive one. You could feel the cuts and bruises on his hand.

You studied it in your palm. "What happened?"

His face hardened like the was emotional trauma to the story. "Nothing."

Saved by the waitress. "Here you go, sir. Enjoy." She dropped his plate in front of him and he gobbled it all up.

You took another sip of coffee.

He asked for my number, you remembered. You grabbed a napkin and scribbled it down. "Here. You asked for my number earlier." You shoved it in his hand. He nodded.

"I did, didn't I?"

"Uh, yeah. You must not remember cause you probably get lots of girls." You told him. He looked like he was about to choke.

Just then, the screen of your laptop went completely black. "Shit." You whispered.

"Whats wrong?" Dean asked.

"Damn computer just died."

"I can entertain you." He put his hand on your cheek. He brought his head close. You gently brought your lips together. Loving and tender. You'd think, cause he's such a tough manly-man that he'd but all rough.

"Get a room!" A boy yelled from across the restaurant. You pulled away. He was probably about 13. All his friends were hysterically laughing.

"At least we need one!" You yelled back. You looped your arms around his neck and kissed him again. This surprised him. He wrapped his arms around your waist. His lips parted, deepening the kiss.

His phone rang, ruining the moment. He pulled his head away just an inch. "I gotta get that."

He answered the phone. "Sam? Not the best time."

Sam, the guy he was talking to, sounded annoyed. "Get your ass back here, Dean. We have work to do."

"Alright, alright. See you in 10." He hung up and looked at you. "I gotta go. I'll call you." He leaned in and kissed your cheek.

"I don't usually kiss on the first date."

He smiled. "Bye, [y/n]."

You waved goodbye and grabbed your coffee.

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