Castiel x Reader

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Imagine... Being upset and Cas cheers you up but admits he's in love with you accidently.

I sat down at the empty table chair in the sloppy motel room. Red hot rage pounded through me head.

It's to dangerous!

You could get hurt!

Bullshit. You can take care of yourself. Sam and Dean left you in the motel room while they did the dirty work.

I had nothing better to do, and you were lonely, so you prayed.

"Dear Castiel, hear my prayer to get your wings down here." You said just over a whisper. "Cas? Your ears on?'

"My ears are perfectly secured on my head, thanks for your concern." A deep voice echoed through the room. You turned and Cas was there, titling his head at you. "Hello, [y/n]."

"Are they okay? Sam and Dean." You asked, anxiously.

"They are okay."

"Those assholes. They just leave me here. I'm living for a reason and they just dump me here." You vented.

He sighed. "You are truly upset?"

"Yes Cas. You wouldn't know what it feels like. This human thing sucks."

"Would you like to hear a story?"

You walked over and sat down on the bed. "Sure."

"This universe is a beautiful creation. We-angels- were made to serve the great purpose; mankind. Some people accepted the generous gift God gave him and came into the life. Some, like you, came into this world kicking and screaming. But, this universe taught me about humans. It gave me the ability to love you-"

"You love me, Cas?" You interrupted

"Well, yes, [y/n]. So, in my eyes, this world was God's greatest creation and everything in it."

"I love you too." You went up and hugged him. He didn't return the gesture.

"What was that?" He asked sincerely.

"A hug. People do it when they love each other."

He pulled you in and hugged you tightly.

"I can't breath." You gasped. He let go and smiled.

You'd never seen an angel smile, but his was breath taking. His teeth were perfectly straight and his deep blue eyes went perfectly with his messy brown hair. He had light stubble and wore a long tan trench coat.

"Is that something humans do?"

"Yes." You smiled and he stared this time.

"If humanity is this stunning, why don't you like it?" He wondered.

"I can't explain it, Cas. It's just something." You said quietly.

"It's funny how humans can wrap their minds around things and fit them into their versions of reality."


"It's funny how humans can wrap their minds around things and fit them into their versions of reality."

~Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief

Hope you liked it!

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