Birthday Celebration

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Imagine... Celebrating Sam's birthday in the bunker.


Day Before

"Dean!" You called up the stairs. "Come here."

He came down the stairs questioningly. "What?"

"I need your help."

"With what?" His voice was suspicious.

"Picking Sam's present." You whispered, hoping he wouldn't hear you.

"You don't know what to get him? You've been dating for like, 5 years. I'm surprised your not hitched."

"Yeah, well, just help me." You shrugged off his comment and pulled his wrist to the car.

"Where do we go?" You asked impatiently.

"I have an idea." Dean rolled his eyes and pulled out of the garage.

Day Of

You sat, jumping your knee against the ground.  Un eaten pancakes sat before you. You were waiting for Sam. He was usually up by now. You decided to check on him. You turned and ran into something hard.

"Careful." Sam said, smiling. You smiled up at him and kissed his cheek. You hugged him gently.

"Happy birthday." You muttered into his chest.

"Thanks." He said into your hair. You pulled away and sat down. Dean came in and sat across from you. He smiled, holding the large box. It had holes so the present could breathe. "What's that?"

"You birthday present." You answered, squeezing his hand under the table. His eyes sparkled as Dean handed him the big box. Sam slid open the lid and a small puppy bounced her way out.

"She's so cute!" He squealed. He lifted the puppy into his lap and stroked her dark fur. "Did you name her?"

"Thought to leave you the pleasure." Dean said, a goofy grin spread across his face.

Sam thought for a moment. "Twilight."

"Like the book series?" Dean asked.

"No, it means night or dark. Her fur if black like darkness."

"Whoa, that was deep." Dean laughed.

"I think it's perfect." You stroked the puppy's head and she licked you. "Hi Twilight."

Sam stood, cradling Twilight to his chest. "I'm gonna play with my dog here."

"I'm coming." You and Dean said in unison.

Sam chuckled. "Alright."

You went out to an empty space in the lounge. Sam placed the puppy in the puppy in the middle. He sat down a few feet away from her. He gestured for you to sit. You sat next to him and he pulled you onto his lap. Twilight took that as a gesture to do the same. She took a running start and hopped onto your lap. Dean laughed, making everyone laugh.

"That puppy and I relate." Dean said, staring at you and Sam. You felt bad that you couldn't just hug him anytime you wanted. He didn't have anyone romantically. Except Cas. You know Dean loved him. And you were sure Cas loved him back.

"Yeah." Sam said. He couldn't keep a smiled off his face. You didn't think you've ever seen him smiled this much. You patted the seat next to you and sent Dean a silent message. He rolled his eyes and sat next to Sam. The puppy bounded into his lap and attacked him with kisses. You knew this dog would be good for both of them.

Sam laughed at the older Winchester who wiped the slobber off his face. You watched the puppy in amusement as she raced around the bunker. Sam's attention landed on you as he placed a kiss on your shoulder. You giggled and tilted your head to reach his lips.

"Alright, Charlie's coming over later so I better go get some food. She likes food." Dean excused himself. Sam stood and hugged his brother forcefully. Dean awkwardly hugged back.

"Thank you." Sam muttered. Dean pulled away and smiled, heading out the door.

"What can I say, I'm a genius." His brother called, slamming the door behind him. Sam turned back to you and helped you up.  You looked up at him and smiled back.

"Happy birthday." You muttered again.

"Best birthday ever." He said pulling you up into his arms. You were eye level now. You wrapped your legs around his waist. You were nose to nose. You still got that jittery feeling you got when you first kissed him.

"Your so cute." You told him. A blush spread across his cheeks as he kissed you. Your lips parted, deepening the kiss. 

"Your cute too."

You could hear Twilight's light footsteps as she lied down at Sam's feet. And for once in a while, you thought, just maybe, that you'd be okay.

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