Sam x Reader

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Imagine... Sam patching you up after a bad hunt.


"Drive faster, Dean!" Sam yelled. He frantically tried to stop your bleeding ribcage. It was soaked all over his pant leg and your shirt. He desperately held onto you as Dean sped to the bunker.

"Sam, calm down! We'll be there soon." Dean said. "In about 5 minutes."

You held onto Sam's hand. He looked bad too. He had a cut across his cheek that was bleeding. You reached up and wiped away the blood streaming down his cheek. He grabbed that hand and painfully kissed it.

"Sam, carry her to the kitchen." Dean looked back at your wound and winced. "Now, Sammy!"

Sam slid his arms under your knees and across your back and carried you to the kitchen.

"Am I too heavy for you?" You croaked.

"Nope." He answered. He gently set you down on the counter. He looked at the wound and looked horrified. "I'm, uh, going to have to take your shirt off."

"It's fine." He yanked your shirt off. It literally dripped and was soaked with blood. He balled it up and threw it away. "I liked that shirt."

"Me too." Dean said, walking in with the supplies. "Sam, grab the whiskey. It's gonna be a long night and I don't know how to do this."

Sam and Dean switched places. Dean grabbed the towel and handed it to Sam. He wiped the wound and poured whiskey. You screamed and Sam winced.

"Sorry!" He yelped.

"Just hurry, please." You begged. You took a long drink of whiskey and he started sewing the cut. It was pretty deep. Dean handed him the bandages to wrap around your ribcage. It was over pretty quick.

"A couple day of booze and crap cable and you'll be good." Dean said.

"Thanks." You told Sam.

Dean smirked. "Just don't do it on the counter. I just cleaned it." He laughed to himself and walked out.

"You could have died, [y/n]." He scolded, when Dean was out of earshot.

"But I didn't. It's time for me to patch you up. Sit down." He obeyed. You cleaned his cheek and put a band aid over it. "Easy peasy!"

He chuckled. He carefully hoisted you onto his lap. It burned your side but you ignored it and stratled him. He slid his hands down to your hip bones. He looked at you like you were the best thing that ever happened to him. You leaned in and pushed your lips to his.

"I love you, Sam Winchester." You breathed between kisses.

"I love you too, [y/n]."

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