Sam x Reader

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Imagine... Braiding Sam's hair.


You sat on the couch next to Sam, leaning your arm on his. He shifted, setting his head on your lap. He nudged your leg and held your hand. He was perfect even though he didn't thing so.

"Can I play with your hair?" You ask. He looks up at you with bug puppy dog eyes. You noticed, since they were sixteen his face had lost some of the softness. He still smiled, but not to much. He was much more muscular, but you'd rather see him smile. His laugh was harmonic and gruff.

"As long as I can play with yours." He said. You gave him a bitchface. You hated but loved people touching your hair.

"Fine." You did a hair flip and he mocked it. You both laughed. "Me first."

Sam moved to sit on the floor between your legs as you did mini braids and fishtails in his hair.

"Done." You said. You pulled him to the bathroom mirror to see him new look. His eyes widened.

"My turn." He said with a huge smile. Whenever he did, you mentally took a picture. He didn't smile very often, not for real anyway. He faked smiled a lot but you can tell the real thing.

You sat in the same position as he gently braided your long hair into small braids. He ran his hands through the strands before braiding them.

Dean came through the door with a case of beer and a few grocery bags.

"Should I even ask?" He muttered, rolling his eyes. He took a long look at Sam and shook his head. "Dude, could you be more gay?"

Sam leaned over to kiss you. It was awkward because you were upside down, but we made it happen. He pulled away and glared at the older Winchester. "I'm not gay." He tied your hair and smiled proudly. "Done."

"This is how porn starts." Dean yelled from the small motel kitchen. You rolled your eyes.

He helped you up and went to the bathroom. It looked like the crappiest thing anyone had ever done to your hair. You just laughed and smiled. "Now we're matching. Your hair will be wavy tomorrow morning."

He smiled softly and wrapped his arms around your waist. Yours glided around his neck in force of habit.


You woke up next to Sam. You'd been dating long enough where you didn't need to be in each others' arms every night like the movies. That didn't happen in real life.

You rolled over to look at his braids. He always slept on his stomach so you rolled him over and placed yourself on his stomach. He wouldn't mind. His breathing didn't even falter under your weight. You started pulled out the braids. His hair was so wavy it was funny. You tried to hold in laughter as you pulled the braids out.

His eyes fluttered open when you pulled a stand to wake him up. "Why-" He put his hand up to touch the gorgeous waves in his hair and smiled up at you.

"You hair looks bootiful!" You giggled. You leaned down and pecked his lips.

"Your beautiful." He whispered. He pulled you down to him and hugged you to him. Your arms were pinned between your chests. He kissed your forehead and began taking out your braids. When he was done, together you walked to the bathroom mirror. Your wavy hair perfectly matched Sam's. From behind, you wrapped your arms around his waist. He smiled lightly and put his hands over yours. You rested your head between his shoulders and stood there in silence, enjoying each others presence.

"I love what you've done with your hair, but can we please hit the road? I miss my memory foam bed."

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