Human!Cas x Reader

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Imagine... Celebrating mother's day with your family.


You woke with a shake. Someone was shaking you awake.

"Baby what's wrong?" You asked, reaching for your gun in the drawer.

"Mommy look!" Meg screeched.

"Meg, honey, be a little quieter. We don't want to wake Gabe." Cas's voice soothed. He lifted little Meg onto the bed, eyes wide with excitement. She looked just like Cas, beautiful grey-blue eyes and long black hair. She had beautiful dimples and porcelain features. She climbed into your arms and you stared gratefully at her. She would grow up even more beautiful than she was now.

Cas smiled and left the room, probably going to retrieve Gabriel. He would be six months old today.

Cas came back in, wrapped baby Gabe in arm. He smiled again and held out a small golden box. You smiled, confused and took the box.

"Open it Momma!" Meg begged, nearly trembling with joy. You stroked her hair and opened the box.

A small silver angel connected to a chain hung lightly against the cardboard.

"Castiel." You gasped. He smiled and helped you up. You hugged him and then brought Meg up. Hey blue eyes looked pale now, sleepiness washed over her.

That Night

You had a horrible feeling that night as you put Gabe in his crib. You kissed his head and ran a hand through your hair. Meg was already asleep, as was Cas.

You swore you only got an hour of sleep before the baby moniter went of. Static baby cries filled the silent room.  You sighed and stumbled to Gabe's room. A figure stood over his crib, too small to be Cas.

"Get the hell away from my baby." You said. The figure pointed and seemed to smiled. You were pushed up the wall and kept moving up until you were on top of Gabe's crib, hanging from the celing.

"Cas! Castiel!" You screamed, over and over.

A bright light and heat flashed over you and the last thing you herd was Meg's screams.

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