Insane Angels (pt. 2)

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This will be utter crap


Jelly stared, terrified at his older brother. She could hear Castiel screaming her name, forcing her out of this madness.

"This is going to be so much fun." Lucifer smirked.


Jelly tried to tune out her older brother, not it was useless, he was already inside her head.

She also herd San, Dean and Cas talk about her going with them. They couldn't just leave her here, could they?

*So i dont remember how Cas got out of the mental hospital so bare with me*

They decide to take her with them.

"Lets go Jelly." Sam whispers. He grabbed her hand and she flopped onto the floor. He sighed and lifted her into his massive arms.

Dean and Cas grabbed what little stuff you had and put it all in the car.

*** a couple months later

"Want to play Twister, Dean?" Jelly asked, a huge smile across her face. She didn't see a problem with gaming. Only the man's grumpiness stopped her from having actual fun.

"No." He half-yelled.

"Oh." She sulked over to Sam who put his big hands on her shoulders.

"Why don't you go play with Cas." He said softly.

"Okay!" You hugged him then went to play with Castiel.


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