Sam x Reader

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This was a request and it was a really good idea! Thanks!

Sorry this is sort of a Sam spam (haha) but a Kevin and Dean imagine is coming up so stay tuned :)

Imagine... Being scared when the power of the motel goes out.


"You can't go." Dean said, pointing to your arm. "It needs to heal first. If anything goes wrong, anything, call us."

You nodded and took a sip of your coffee. Sam came out of the bathroom with wet hair. It was dripping like a dog, which made you smile. He smiled back at you. Dean groaned and went to the car.

"Hey beautiful," He whispered, wrapping one arm around your waist. One hand cupped your cheek, making you smile wider. You wrapped one arm around his waist and stood on your tippy-toes to peck him on the lips. He smiled against yours. "How's your arm?"

"It's fine." You mumbled. The black brace was really restraining. 

"Sam!" Dean yelled. His grip tightened on you. "Hurry up." He hugged you tight on one side then started walking out.

"Love you." He said. "Call if you need anything."

"Love you too." You said as he slammed the door.


You laid on the bed flipping through channels when the screen went black. You grabbed the gun Dean left under his pillow and cocked it. Suddenly, all the lights gave out and you were alone in the darkness. With a flashlight in your mouth, you searched the apartment. No signs of sulfur and you weren't freezing your ass off. No demons or ghosts.

"Castiel?" You tried this several time, but no answer. Perfect.

You fumbled to get your phone out of your pocket and dialed Sam.

He answered after two rings.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked urgently.

"I'm probably just paranoid, but the power just went out and- You know what? I'm just thinking of things, it's probably fine." Your chest heaved with guilt as you whined like a child.

"Dean and Cas are going to work on the case. I'm coming back. I'll be there in an hour." He hung up the phone.

About two hours later, Sam barged the door in. He looked around the room and spotted you sitting in-between the beds.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing?" He asked gently. He walked over to you and sat down. He sighed and pulled you onto his lap.

"I was scared Sam. Like a little kid crying to his mom. I almost didn't call."

You could tell he rolled his eyes. "Well good thing you did, then I couldn't kiss you."

You giggled as he trailed kisses up your jaw. You turned your head and just met his lip.

"You still scared?" He growled playfully.

"No." You moaned.

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