Winchester's x Reader

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I'm really sad and exhausted so don't hate this is horrible.

Imagine... The guys teasing you about always wearing leggings.


You pulled on the only thing you had in your closet-leggings. You pulled a hoodie over your head and for once did a perfect messy bun.

"Hurry up!" Dean said, passing your open door. You followed him down the stairs.Sam was waiting with Cas. weapons in hand.

"Where we going?" You asked.

"Breakfast." Dean said, pulling on his other boot. Sam looked you up and down, the raised his eyebrow.

"Seriously." He muttered.


"Never mind." Sam rolled his eyes. Dean shrugged and went out to the car. You, Sam and Cas followed.

"You know, leggings aren't a protective fabric and you could be seriously injured." Cas said, staring at the pants.

"I'm not taking fashion advice from an angel in a trench coat." You muttered. Sam snorted. "What's so funny up there, chuckles."

"Nothing." He said, laughing a little harder.

"Really, why do you wear those? Their like long underwear. Not that I'm complaining." Sam argued.

"Their comfy." You said cheery.

"Oh god..."

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