Emotional Response (smuttyish)

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So, Sam is soulless and Dean's a demon, both rarely show emotion. Your their girlfriend and try to get an emotional response out of them.

Dean's is an hour before he's cured

Sam's is right before he gets his soul back



You sat down on the hard ground.

What were you going to do? The love of your life was a black-eyed douche-bag.

"Get off the floor." Sam said. He grabbed your arm and hoisted you up.

"Why?" You groaned. Your legs threatened to give out.

"Cause. He's almost cured."

You looked at Sam with excitement. "What?"

Sam smiled sleepily. "Yeah. Only one more hour. Go say bye."

You smirked. "That's why you look like crap."

Sam rolled his eyes and pushed past you.

You went down to see Dean. He glared at you with his black eyes, like they were saved just for you.

"Alright hotshot," You mumbled. You placed a finger on his lips. "I'm gonna try this. You better not laugh at me for it."

"And what would that be?" Dean asked flatly.

You straddled his waist and swung your legs over the arms of the chair. He breathed sharply.

"I guess it would have been... But your uninterested."

He tried holding back feelings but he broke. "Please," He begged. 

"Mmm. Your so cute when you beg."

"Please!" He strained against his chair, for once wanting you.

You shook your head and hopped off him.  You kissed his cheek and ruffled his dirty-blonde hair.

"Soon." You whispered in his ear. He bit his lip and watched your butt as you walked away.


You swung your hips and you walked and sat at the kitchen table.

"How's Sam been?" Dean asked quietly.

Anger exploded in your chest as you slammed your fist on the hard wood. "I'm done. I hate him."

"We just have to deal until he gets his soul back. Then you'll have your hunny back."

"You don't get it. I'm in love with him and-and I can't do anything. He is such a dick."

"Yeah, I know." Dean lounged a bit in his chair.

Sam clomped into the room with a beer in his hand. He offered some to you and you declined. You stood up and pulled up your pants.

"Hey Dean, can you go somewhere else for a while please?"

Dean rolled his eyes and stood. "Don't make soulless babies."

You leaned over and smacked his arm. He shrugged and went into the living room.

"Sit your ass down." You growled at Sam. He out his hands up in surrender and took Dean's seat. "Since you don't feel anything often, I'm gonna make you feel something."

You kneeled in front of him and scooted in between his legs. You were face-to-face with his torso. You stroked his muscles and looked up at his face. Nothing.

You grabbed his face and pulled it down to yours.

"You can do better." He breathed.

You kissed him gently at first, then roughly. His hands made their way up and down your body. You squeezed his sides and flicked his abs.

"I'm starting to feel something." He whispered.

"Good." You panted.

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