Teenage!Sam x Teenage!Reader

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This was a request and I really like writing it!

Sorry is you don't have an older sister

Birthday is in 8 days!

Imagine... Studying for finals with Sam.


You looked out your bedroom window and saw a shiny black car- probably from the late 60's. Inside were two men, one was your best friend Sam, the other was his older brother Dean. You saw them arguing, then Sam grabbing his bag and marching up to your doorstep. You realized what was happening and fled to open the door as he knocked.

"I got it mom!" You yelled across the house, making sure nobody else answered. Too late. Amanda opened the door. She made a face just as you rushed to push her out of the way.

"Who's that?" She asked. She ignored her own question and walked away.

"Sorry for the short notice, but I was wondering if I could spend the night?" He seemed really nervous. His face was pale and his dark hair spilled across his forehead perfectly.

"Uh, yeah, come in." You stepped away from the door and closed it after him. You politely took his bag and threw it on the couch. You sat a seat from his bag, but that seat was taken by Sam.

"I still have to study but you can watch TV." You offered. He dug in his bag and brought out a crumpled folder and smiled. His smiles were beautiful.

"I can help you." He said. You smiled and opened your binder.


Most of it really wasn't studying, you usually just talked.

"So you've never had a girl friend, like, ever?" You blurted in disbelief.

"No," He laughed. "But I really like this one girl..."

You felt your heart sink 6 feet under. You kept laughing though. "Who?

"She's just hilarious and smart and just a good person all around. Not to mention gorgeous." Sam said. Jealously fluttered in your stomach. It wasn't you, you knew it.

"Who?" You asked again, dumbfounded.

"Patience, grasshopper." He said, locking eyes with you.

"Sammy!" You whined, leaning in closer to him. In all the years of schooling you had, you never knew how situations like these would go down.

"It's you." He said quietly. You felt a blush spread over your cheeks, but Sam's face was tomato red. "I really l-love you. I have loved you."

You smiled and pressed your lips to his. It took a second for his to process the occurings, but he got into it. He rested his hands on your waist and you looped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

"I thought you were studying." Amanda snickered.

"I am, asshat." You said, only loud enough for her and Sam to hear. Sam smiled into your lips and continued kissing.

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