Teenage!Sam x Teenage!Reader

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Imagine... Sitting in the back of the Impala after you got really sick.

We'd been driving for days in John's car. He refused to put on the heat and it was freezing. Outside, the rain thumped on the ground and lightning smacked the trees in an array of light.

You layed your hot head against the cold window but it made the rest of your body cold. You shivered and tried to scrunch your body up together. You pulled your head away from the window and looked into it. Your face was pale and lips were tinted blue. You looked at Sam and he was already looking. His hazel eyes flashed with sympathy.

"C'mere." He demanded just over a whisper. You slowly scotched over to him. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around your shoulders. He grabbed something from his bag and pulled out a blanket. He wrapped it around you both and lied down across the Impala's backseat. You sniffled and grabbed his hand. He jumped. "Your hands are freezing!" He whisper yelled. He held your hands and rubbed them to make them warmer. "Go to sleep. I'll get you medicine when we stop. I would kiss you, but your sick." I smiled and nodded. He gave you a famous Winchester smile and tightened his grasp around you. You nuzzled your head against his chest.

You fell asleep to the steady sound of his breathing and the pounding rain just outside the door.

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