CHAPTER 33 - PART 3(c)

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Yibo when heard his husband felt his eyes getting teary as he didn't expected that his gege will say something like this as he just wanted to reciprocate the love and care his gege gave him in past three months and being with Zhan he has realized ...

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Yibo when heard his husband felt his eyes getting teary as he didn't expected that his gege will say something like this as he just wanted to reciprocate the love and care his gege gave him in past three months and being with Zhan he has realized that the man has small small wishes which he has not been able to complete on his own so he decided to fulfill all of them slowly slowly to make the man happy and he decided to start from the recent wish where Zhan said that he want his better half to do his tie for him making him feel the sadness of the man and how strong his urge is to have such a wish fulfilled, so he decided to take the man to shopping where he would like to buy a lot of ties for his gege and will not let him pay for anything as this will be the gift from his side, and that was what he did as while his old man was trying his attires he just asked vatalie to clear the bill as he knows that if his gege comes out then this man will not allow him to pay the bill, but he never expected that his husband will react like this and hearing that cold voice of his husband he felt a shiver run down his spine but more than that he felt a surge of sadness inside him and as Zhan continued speaking the tear which he has been holding finally slid out from his eye and as he heard Zhan's words he couldn't stop lashing himself at his husband and as he saw his man moving toward him he immediately raised his hand to stop Zhan from moving and as the older halted with his steps he spoke, "thank you Mr. Sean for telling me the importance of me in your life!" As he moved away from Zhan and before anyone could say anything he immediately left the shop.

Yibo after saying those words immediately left the shop as the last person he wanted to face was his husband and as the boy was moving forward he didn't even realized where he was going as all in his mind was to move far away from his husband and after five minutes he stopped in his steps to only release a breath as he looked above to find where he is to only find himself in a food court which was attached to a garden.

Yibo when found himself in this place moved slowly to enter the garden as he started searching for an isolated place where he can sit down and calm himself down and as he is searching a place he found a bench near an icecream parlor and Yibo when saw that place a small smile appeared on his face as he moved toward the icecream parlor and spoke, "excuse me!" And the shopkeeper when heard the young actor immediately toward as him as he spoke, "bonjour, monsieur!" (Hello sir!) And Yibo on hearing the greeting of the man just nodded a little as he started looking at the various icecreams in the parlor and as he raised his hand and showing five fingers spoke, "five scoops of vanilla!"

The shopkeeper when saw the action of the young actor understood what the boy wants so he just nodded his head as he gave five scoops of vanilla ice-cream to Yibo in a paper cup and Yibo after taking the icecream just paid for it as he settled on the bench near the icecream parlor as he closed his eyes to calm his emotions down but that was a wrong step he took because the moment he closed the eyes, the voice of his husband echoed in his head,

"I don't like it!"

And the moment the voice clicked in Yibo's mind the hold on the icecream cup tightened as tears rolled down from Yibo's eyes.

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