CHAPTER 29 - PART 2(b)

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Mr. George when saw Zhan entering the studio felt that he has finally got someone who will look ethereal with Wang Yibo which made him feel happy and as he saw the man coming toward him he smiled and before the young heir could speak anything he spoke,

"Finally got someone to pair up with Mr. Wang!" And Yibo and Director Lay who had been thinking about who will pair up with Yibo when heard director George immediately came out of his daze as they turned to see about whom Mr. George is talking and Yibo when saw his husband coming toward him was startled but when saw the smile on Mr. George face he felt his eyes widening as he realized to whom the director words were directed for.

Zhan who has arrived at the shooting place with his indifferent looks when saw his husband standing with director Lay and director George felt his nerves calming down as he moved toward the place and reaching there was about to speak but before he could do so Director George spoke,

"They will look perfect with each other!" As he after examining Zhan in a delighted voice spoke, "couple made in heaven!" Making Zhan shocked as he was not expecting this comment from director George and above that he was not able to understand about what the director is talking about.

Director Lay when heard Mr. George was shocked as he was not expecting that the other will make such a comment so he in a shocked voice spoke, "Are you sure, Mr. George?" And Mr. George who has been admiring the young heir when heard director Lay with a smile spoke, "I am 100% sure!" As he with a proud look spoke, "they both will look perfect with each other!" Making Yibo look at his husband with shock who has been looking at Director with confused looks as he was not able to understand what the man is saying so he spoke, "may I know what is happening here?"

Director George when heard the young heir turned toward him as he spoke, "young man, I wanted a partner for Mr. Wang Yibo, and I finally got it!" Making Zhan frown as he was not able to understand what the director wants to imply so he looked at Director Lay with his piercing gaze and the latter on feeling the gaze on him realized that the young heir wants to know so he released a deep breath as he spoke, "Mr. Sean Xiao Zhan, meet him, he is Director George!" As he pointed toward Mr. George and continued, "he is the director of today's photoshoot for your company's new product!" As he turned toward Mr. George and spoke, "Mr. George, meet him, He is Mr. Sean Xiao Zhan, the CEO of Xiao Empire!"

Mr. George when heard the man's name looked at him with shock as he was not expecting to meet the young heir of the Xiao empire here as although he has heard of the man he never met him so he immediately moved toward him as he put his hand forward and spoke, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Sean!" And Zhan on hearing this shook his hand with the elder as he spoke, "nice to meet you too, Mr. George!" As he looked at Director Lay and spoke, "May I know what is happening here?" And director George on hearing this released a sigh as he spoke, "as you know Mr. Sean, today is the photoshop for the new couple perfume you have launched!" And Zhan on hearing this spoke, "yes I know!" As in the morning when he got a mail about his company activities this was one of the activities which were taking place and director George taking a cue spoke, "and we have just completed the photo shoot with Mr. Wang and I was examining the photos and I found something missing!" And Zhan on hearing this looked at Mr. George with a confused look and the director on seeing the confusion on the young heir's face spoke, "I will show you the shoot and then explain to you!" As he looked at his assistant and asked him to bring the photos of the shoot and after a few minutes the file containing the photos of the young actor and as soon as the director showed the photos of the young actor to him Zhan felt his heart beating fast as Yibo looked ethereal in every photo.

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