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Zhan after taking the car keys from his head security, John entered the car and started the engine as the car moved from the parking of the SEAN STUDIO

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Zhan after taking the car keys from his head security, John entered the car and started the engine as the car moved from the parking of the SEAN STUDIO. Today, the calm CEO's mind and heart are in a mess as he has heard the harsh words of his beloved which are giving him pain he can't handle stabbing his heart in a way he can't describe.

Zhan after clearly instructing his security team that there is no need to follow him left the premises of the Studio as he doesn't want anyone to see his broken heart. The heart of the CEO which only wished to meet the person he loved the most but today he realized that this wish of his heart will never get fulfilled as he heard the younger's words.

Zhan who had left the studio premises is driving on the road aimlessly as he just wants to move away as he is feeling suffocated from the place where he heard those harsh words which have taken his only hope that his love will someday meet him and made him a fragile and a broken person. Zhan doesn't know where he is heading as the only thing that his mind and heart know is that he just wants to leave that suffocating place that has broken his heart and to go somewhere where he can release his pain and find his peace but to his dismay, he is not able to find such a place and as he is driving the scene of the younger talking with his friend is playing in his mind, repeatedly, The Ceo just want to suppress those voices but to his dismay, those voices instead of suppressing down are just echoing in his mind and the more the voice of Yibo is playing in his mind, more tears are rolling down from his eyes.

Zhan has left the city and is right now on the outskirts of the city not knowing where he is heading but is driving on a lonely road, which has a rare number of vehicles this time, lonely just like his life in which no one is present with him

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Zhan has left the city and is right now on the outskirts of the city not knowing where he is heading but is driving on a lonely road, which has a rare number of vehicles this time, lonely just like his life in which no one is present with him. He felt himself getting a little stable when suddenly he passed a shop which has an advertisement for one of the brands Yibo endorses and as Zhan's eyes fell on it the voice of Yibo answering the question, whom he doesn't want to meet ever in his life ringed in his ears, the voice which stated,


And as soon as the voice ringed in Zhan's ears he felt his eyes getting blurry with tears which started obscuring his vision. The words of Yibo are making his mind numb and tears are making his vision blurry and as the CEO's senses are getting numb suddenly a light flashes in front of his car. Zhan who has been busy with his thoughts didn't realize the vehicle coming toward him to only come out of his daze when a loud honk is heard.

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