CHAPTER 31 - PART 5(b)

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The clock has been striking at 6:30 pm and the couple who has just finished with their shopping were standing in the queue to pay for their shopping, obviously with their masks on the faces, because if the masks were not present on their faces, th...

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The clock has been striking at 6:30 pm and the couple who has just finished with their shopping were standing in the queue to pay for their shopping, obviously with their masks on the faces, because if the masks were not present on their faces, then the whole place would have been in chaos as the single glimpse of the two personalities is enough to make the people now in front of them as both of them are the people who are the KINGS of their own field, as one rule the BUSINESS WORLD whereas the other rule the ENTERTAINMENT WORLD, but right now both of them are just lost in their own world as Yibo is holding Zhan's free hand as he is telling him the adventure he had in Korea while he was a trainee, which involved how he used to tease the other members of his team, how he used to play pranks on them and also about their shopping fiasco how once while shopping he has scared his friend with tomato sauce by using it as fake blood and Zhan who has been holding the trolley with his one hand while other is interwinded with Yibo's is listening to his husband with a smile on his face when suddenly another voice is heard gathering their attention, "Sir, it's your turn!" as the couple come out of their daze to only find that they have reached the cash counter and it was their turn now.

Zhan on hearing the cashier's voice just nodded his head as he looked at Yibo and spoke, "will you lend me a hand, love?" and Yibo who had stopped hearing an unknown voice when heard Zhan just nodded his head as he spoke, "sure ge!" making Zhan smile as they started keeping the things they bought on the counter as the cashier just scanned them and it was after five minutes the cashier spoke, "Sir, it's 3000 yuan!" And Yibo who has been standing with Zhan was about to take out his wallet to pay but Zhan just grabbed his hand as he spoke, "let me do it, dear!" and Yibo on hearing that was about to protest but before he could do so, Zhan just squeezed the hand of the boy as he spoke, "let me pay the bill, love! And Yibo on hearing Zhan was about to protest but before he could Zhan just caressed his hand as he spoke, "let me take care of you dear!" as he with a pause added, "I know you want to share the bill!" as he just looked at the boy with his loving and assuring eyes as he spoke, "but just for today let me be your husband , dear and pay the bill, please love!" and everyone who has been there when saw the interaction between the two people cooed at them as even though they don't hear them but still the interaction between the two made many jealous too as who would not like to have such a loving better half and Yibo when heard the man wanted to protest but the last sentence of the man just felt a warmth in his heart so he just decided to agree with his husband for this time only so he just spoke, "ok!" making Zhan smile behind the mask as he just raise his hand to ruffle the boy's hair lovingly making Yibo smile and Zhan who has been ruffling the boy's hair took his wallet from other hand and without looking at it just handed over the first card that came to his hand to the cashier for billing.

The cashier who has been watching the interaction between the two with a smile when saw the man handing him the card became alerted as he took the car and was about to slide it to cash the bill when his eyes fell on the card in his hand making him shocked as it was a platinum card but not an ordinary platinum card, it was XIAO CORPORATION PLATINUM EXPRESS CARD, with SEAN XIAO ZHAN signature on it and anyone in this country who knows this business tycoon knows that this card is the only card in the world and belongs to the said man only making him feel a shiver run down his spine as he looked at the man in front of him and then at the card and as the realization hit him he just bowed down to the man as he spoke,

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