CHAPTER 29 - PART 1(b)

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The car has left the mansion at 10:00 am with Zhan, Yibo, and Cheng after the young actor has fed his baby and his baby has thrown a tantrum like a name that was given to him as when he saw his husband moving away with Cheng, he felt a surge of po...

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The car has left the mansion at 10:00 am with Zhan, Yibo, and Cheng after the young actor has fed his baby and his baby has thrown a tantrum like a name that was given to him as when he saw his husband moving away with Cheng, he felt a surge of possessiveness inside him as how can he let his husband go like this when he was not able to properly spend his time with his little husband and the young heir just to spend a little time more with his little husband threw a tantrum that he will drop Yibo to Sean Studios.

Yibo when heard his husband was a little bit startled as he was not expecting this because he thought that the man will leave after breakfast as he felt the man might be busy with his work as although he made the man come back to the mansion but there was a feeling inside him that he has been a brat because he knows how important his husband work is and him making him leave that work is being unreasonable and brat, but Yibo can't help himself as when he heard that the older again left the area without having breakfast, he felt a surge of anger as well as worry inside him, anger because the man who always lectures him about health and having his meals on time missing his own breakfast and worry because he knows that if his old man don't eat his breakfast he will skip it, so he called for his husband and after having breakfast he was expecting that the man would leave for his work, but on hearing Zhan wanted to drop him to Sean Studios made him startled and as he know that the man is already late for his work so he declined his proposal and was about to leave but before he could do so Zhan dragged him to his car making him sit inside it and before he could speak he was shut with a cute pout from his husband.

Zhan, when heard Yibo declining him, dragged him to the car and made him shut his mouth with a cute frown and Cheng who has been watching the interactions between the two smiled as he also settled beside Yibo as he knows that the older will not let them go on their own, and Zhan seeing this smiled in satisfaction and with this, the car left the compound with two security cars tailing behind.

The car which has been traveling on the road of Beijing has finally stopped in front of Sean Studios and Yibo who had been discussing his work with Cheng when saw this turned his head toward his husband's side to only find the man reading his files with an expressionless face and Yibo seeing this released a sigh as he looked at Cheng and spoke, "Cheng will you wait for me, outside!" And Cheng on hearing this spoke, "okay Yibo!" And with this left the car only for Yibo to turn his attention toward Zhan.

The car which has been traveling on the road of Beijing has finally stopped in front of Sean Studios and Yibo who had been discussing his work with Cheng when saw this turned his head toward his husband's side to only find the man reading his file...

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