CHAPTER 29 - PART 2(c)

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The clock has been striking at 7:00 pm when the last pose was made by the couple and as soon as Zhan felt his fingers touching Yibo's skin he felt his body heat up in a way he never imagined as that soft skin made him feel the desires he has burie...

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The clock has been striking at 7:00 pm when the last pose was made by the couple and as soon as Zhan felt his fingers touching Yibo's skin he felt his body heat up in a way he never imagined as that soft skin made him feel the desires he has buried inside him coming out so he turned his direction toward the place where the director George and Director Lay has been standing and director George on seeing this smiled as he looked at Yibo and spoke, "Bo, move toward Mr. Sean!" And Yibo when has felt the arm hand of his husband on his body has felt a shiver run down his spine as he felt his heartbeat rise up to only come out of his daze when he heard director George's voice and after taking some time to calm himself down he spoke, "y... Yeah!" And with this moved a little closer to Zhan making Zhan's fingers brush lightly on his body making both of them feel an electrifying sensation inside them which made both of them from in their steps.

Mr. George who saw the two stopping in their steps frowned and seeing them he felt that they will both not move on their own so he moved toward them to make Yibo move closer to Zhan startling the two as he spoke, "Yibo, kiss him on his cheek!" Making Yibo's whole body to heat up but he just nodded his head as he planted a kiss on Zhan's cheek making Zhan close his eyes as he curled his finger and seeing this director George made Yibo move his hand around the young heir's neck as the young actor closed his eyes making Mr. George smile in satisfaction and with this he moved back and spoke, "perfect!" And director Lay on hearing this spoke, "Mr. Sean look at me!" And Zhan who has closed his eyes immediately opened his eyes and at that moment the last photo was clicked and as soon as it is done director George spoke, "Cut!" Making the couple come out of their dazes.

The couple when heard the voice of the director immediately came out of their daze as they turned their faces toward each other and as soon as their eyes met, Zhan felt a surge of heat inside him as the way Yibo has been looking at him made him feel the urge to take the boy so he was about to lean to capture those plump lips of the boy when suddenly Mr. George voice was sounded making both of them to broke apart as Yibo realized what they were going to do in front of everyone he immediately moved toward the place where the two directors have been standing.

Mr. George after ending the shoot moved toward director Lay and was about to speak when saw that the couple hasn't followed him spoke, "Bo, Mr. Sean, let's check the result of your shoot!" And Yibo who was caged in the young heir's arms immediately moved from there to only speak, "coming Mr. George!" And with this left the area leaving Zhan in shock as he realized what he was about to do in front of everyone, so after calming himself down he also moved toward the place where Yibo has been standing with the two directors.

Mr. George who has called the coupe when saw them coming smiled as he spoke, "let's see, the result!" And with this, they all started watching the photos which were clicked, and Zhan and Yibo when saw the photos felt their bodies heating up as they never realized that the photo shoot result will be so intimate Zhan when saw the photos felt all his body cells hearing up as he turned his direction toward Yibo who has been standing beside Director George and the young heir on seeing his husband felt a need to grab the boy in his arms but he knows that he can't do it so he closed his eyes to calm himself down.

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