CHAPTER 30 - PART 5(c)

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At Beijing Mall...

Zhan who has been watching Yibo never in his dream thought that the boy will accept him as his husband in front of anyone who is not close to them as till now only people who are their family friends or just live in the mansion but today seeing th...

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Zhan who has been watching Yibo never in his dream thought that the boy will accept him as his husband in front of anyone who is not close to them as till now only people who are their family friends or just live in the mansion but today seeing the boy telling everyone that he is his husband made the man face adorned with a smile. Zhan who has never expected anything from Yibo after he started living with him and the thought of revealing their marriage to the world never came to his mind but today when he heard Yibo saying that he have another identity that no one knows made Zhan felt his heart beating faster as he has had a thought that the boy might reveal their marriage but he shrugged it as he doesn't want to hurt himself if the things turned out to what he expected as he knows that expectations always hurt but when he heard Yibo revealing that he is Xiao Wang Yibo, husband of Sean Xiao Zhan, a beautiful smile was adorned on his face as his heart fell more in love with the boy, and all his fears which were their yesterday felt invalid to him as his heart finally believed that Yibo is his and no one can take the boy away from him and with this he started watching the boy with a wide smile on his face.

Yibo after revealing his identity to Zhan's staff turned toward his husband to only find his husband's face adorned with a smile that he has never seen on the man's face, it's not that Zhan keeps the stoic and emotionless face in front of Yibo and to say this would be very wrong as the CEO's face is always adorned with a beautiful smile and eyes which always has love for the boy but this smile is the smile which he has never seen, as this smile shows that the man has got something which he has never dreamt of and seeing that Yibo really needs to know the reason for this smile on his husband's face but more than that he had felt his heart skipping a beat a sensation which he has never felt before with an urge to always have this smile on his man's face making Yibo a little bit startled as this is the first time he has felt something like this for someone and with this Yibo moved toward the place where his husband has been standing and after reaching there he just hold the hand of his husband and Zhan who has been standing with a wide smile on his face when felt a hand holding him just turned his attention toward Yibo who has been looking at him with a smile and as the actor got the attention of his husband spoke, "hubby, I have done talking with them!" And Zhan on hearing this just smiled as he tightened his hold on the hand as Yibo spoke, "So shall we start our shopping and Zhan when heard this with a smile spoke, " sure love!" As he planted a kiss on the boy's forehead as he spoke, "sure love!" As he looked at all the staff standing there looking at both of them with curiosity and shocked expressions making Zhan smile as he felt that now finally he can show his affection for the love of his life openly here and the thought itself made Zhan feel like to jump in happiness but he controlled himself ad he looked at the staff when suddenly a thought clicked his mind which made him felt a need to do something as he spoke, "Yibo, will you give me a few minutes!" As he looked at Mr. Yan and spoke, "I need to talk with Mr. Yan!" And Yibo when heard this pouted as he really wanted to go to shopping now as he has already wasted half an hour and Zhan when saw the pout know what the boy wanted so he spoke, "love, I just need ten minutes!" And Yibo on hearing this wanted to throw a tantrum but he knows that it is not the right place to show a tantrum so he just nodded his head making Zhan smile as he spoke, "that's like my good puppy!" And Yibo on hearing this glared at Zhan as he spoke, "shut up, old man!" And Zhan seeing this let a laugh as he spoke, "okay puppy!" he pinched the boy's nose lightly making Yibo's pout to grew more and Zhan on seeing the pout was not able to control himself so he immediately lowered down to the boy's lips level as he stole a kiss from the boy and Yibo who has been pouting seeing the young heir antics when felt Zhan lips on his were shocked as he was not expecting this but before he could respond the lips of the young heir were removed making younger look at his husband with a shocked expression as he wasn't expecting a such thing and seeing that the man has kissed him in front of his employees made Yibo's heart to beat faster as a blush crept on his face and he was about to speak when another whisper is heard near ear making the younger to shut his mouth.

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