CHAPTER 31 - PART 3(b)

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This chapter starts with Yibo leaving the Beijing studio in anger

At Beijing studio...

Yibo who heard Cheng was not able to control his anger as how can Cheng say that he is not allowed to have a week off and it would have been acceptable for the boy if it would have been some shoot or any urgent work but the reason which Cheng gave...

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Yibo who heard Cheng was not able to control his anger as how can Cheng say that he is not allowed to have a week off and it would have been acceptable for the boy if it would have been some shoot or any urgent work but the reason which Cheng gave him made him feel an irritation inside him as just not having a week off just because his fans want to celebrate his birthday made the young actor feel a wave of anger inside him but he just suppressed it as he doesn't want to take out his irritation on Cheng so he just told Cheng that he will have a week off nearby his birthday and he just expected that Cheng will understand him but when the man just put his fans and all the companies which had made deal with him above him made the boy's feel another surge of anger inside him and Yibo who has been tired due to his gege's ignorance when he really wanted to talk to him and when Cheng also kept his fans above him made him feel like his emotions are not valued which made him want to leave the place where his choices are not even respected and moreover he didn't wanted to shout on Cheng too, so after telling Cheng that he will have a one week break around his birthday left the place.

Yibo who has left the place after telling Cheng that he will have a week's break entered the elevator to only press the button for the parking and it was after a few minutes the elevator opened in the parking and Yibo after taking a deep breath moved toward the place where his baby bike was parked and Yibo whose face was adorned with anger when saw the bike in the parking felt a smile appearing on his face as he moved toward it and reaching there he just settled near the bike on his one knee as he took the bike in his arms.

Yibo who had been feeling alone for the past few days when found his baby bike in his arms released a deep breath as he felt his eyes getting teary as he really wanted someone to be with him right now, to whom he can tell what is happening with him and in front of whom he can cry and as the thought appeared in his mind, the tears which were caged in his eyes rolled down his eyes wetting his cheeks and Yibo, when felt his cheeks wetting immediately, came out of his daze as he wiped those tears and spoke, "Yibo, why are you crying?" As he sniffed a little and spoke, "When they don't care about you, why should you care about them?" As all the emotions which he has been bottling up inside him came out today due to talk of Cheng which made him feel like his emotions don't even matter as even his friend whom he excepts to understand him was not able to understand him what will he except from other people and above that, how old man, his husband has ignored him like he dont even knows that he exist and as the last thought clicked his mind he again felt his eyes getting teary but this time he immediately wiped them as he hugs the bike and spoke, "Baby, let us go somewhere!" As he stood up from his seat and planted a kiss on his bike and spoke, "Away from them to a place where I will not feel alone!" As he looked at his bike and spoke, "Will you come with me?" And then let a sad chuckle as he spoke, "I know you will as you are my best friend!" And With this, he climbed his bike as he ignited the Engine and with this, he again planted a kiss on the bike, and with this, the bike left the premises of Sean Studio.

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