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Xiao Zhan who has been sitting on the bed finally get up from there as he moved toward the place where has has kept the breakfast and seeing that it has turn cold he released a sigh as he just took out his phone as he dialled John's number and ask...

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Xiao Zhan who has been sitting on the bed finally get up from there as he moved toward the place where has has kept the breakfast and seeing that it has turn cold he released a sigh as he just took out his phone as he dialled John's number and asked him to to come to their room and it was just after few seconds a knock was heard on the door and Zhan just spoke, "come in!" And as he saw John entering he spoke, "John, reheat the breakfast and bring back to the room!" And John when heard the young heir just nodded his head as he spoke, "yes sir!" As he took the breakfast plate and leave the room.

Zhan on seeing that John has left just entered the balcony and took a deep breath and as the serene air of the day hit him he closed his eyes to enjoy the surrounding and as he is doing so his memory skipped to the last time when he visited Edinburgh which was in January when he has come for a business board meeting of Sean group of hotels and he has never thought at that time that he will visit this country this soon with his husband, whom he have never thought that he will live with but past three months have proved him wrong as these have been the most blissful one in his life, and past one week has made him feel like he is living in a heaven as these days have made him more close to Yibo.

Zhan has never thought that in this trip they will do things which he has always imagined in his dream, Yibo making breakfast for him, them taking wedding vows, Him bringing the ring for him and as soon as the memory clicked his mind he just moved his other hand as he started playing with the ring in his hand while watching the view from the balcony.

Zhan has never thought that in this trip they will do things which he has always imagined in his dream, Yibo making breakfast for him, them taking wedding vows, Him bringing the ring for him and as soon as the memory clicked his mind he just moved...

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Zhan who has been watching the scene while playing with his ring suddenly felt a hand wrapping around his waist as two hands landed on his hands as he was taken in a back hug making Zhan smile as he realized who it was so he with a smile just wrapped his hands on his hands as he spoke, "ready, love?"

Yibo after freshening up just entered the walk in closet to get ready for the day entered the bedroom and when saw the bedroom empty frowned as he expected his old man to be there but there was no one making him ponder where his husband is as he started roaming his eyes all over the room when suddenly he caught the silehoutte of his husband in the balcony making Yibo smile as he immediately moved toward the young heir and as soon as he reached his husband he immediately took him in a back hug to startle his husband but when he heard Zhan he pouted as he spoke, "how did you come to know?"

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