Beginne am Anfang

"But sir-" director lay is about to speak but is cut in the middle by Zhan as he speaks, "no but, uncle, you are my elder and elder should not bow to the younger, instead I should do this!" Making Director Lay shocked and happy at the same time.

And after speaking Zhan is about to bow but this time Mr. Lay stops him as he speaks, "no need for all this Zhan. You are my friend's son and like my own son!" And with this Director Lay takes Zhan in his arms making the younger first shocked but then he smiled as he felt a warmth in that embrace. After a few minutes, the elder broke the hug as he speaks, "should we move, Young CEO!" Making Zhan chuckle as he spoke, "sure!"

With this, all the four entered the personal elevator of the CEO and pressed the button to the 30th floor as the elevator closes which after a few minutes, opens on the 30th floor directly in the CEO's office with a ding.

Zhan after entering the office just settles on his chair as director Lay and Kuan take their seats in front of him

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Zhan after entering the office just settles on his chair as director Lay and Kuan take their seats in front of him. After everything is settled, Zhan looks at Mr. Lay who taking this as a cue speaks, "sir, this is the schedule of Mr. Wang for today!" As he places a tab on the table.

Zhan after taking the tab just moves back as he starts reading the schedule of Yibo and after reading them just looks at his phone to see it's already 2:45 pm. Zhan seeing this takes out his phone and text Cheng, "you can use my personal parking" and after texting Cheng keeps the phone back into his pocket as he stood up from his chair as he speaks, "let's move to the interview floor!" and with this exits his office.

The interview was being held on the 20th floor and was being prepared for the shooting when Zhan entered the floor which made everyone stop their work as they looked at the person who entered the floor and on seeing the CEO of Xiao Group of Indust...

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The interview was being held on the 20th floor and was being prepared for the shooting when Zhan entered the floor which made everyone stop their work as they looked at the person who entered the floor and on seeing the CEO of Xiao Group of Industries are shocked as they didn't expect him to be here.

Zhan after entering the floor looks around and turns toward the director as he speaks, "so is this the place where the interview is being held?"

"Yes sir!" Said, Director Lay.

Zhan just looked around as he speaks, "good work!"

"Thanks, sir!" Replied Director Lay and with this Zhan starts moving around to check the place as he starts asking a few questions now and then. As he is inspecting the place he is looking serious and has a deadly aura making everyone gulp in fear, and as the inspection is being done a silence is being spread in the room making everyone shiver in the room but soon the silence is disturbed as Wen Ning approaches Zhan as he speaks, "Sir, Mr. Xiao Wang has arrived and is heading toward the interview floor!"

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