Innocence - Part 1

Começar do início

" I ... what ? " Saori was surprised that Minato managed to assess the situation after just a few minutes of conversation with her

" well , at least Minako was by your side , if anyone can understand you , it's her . Believe it or not , she was almost more submissive than you "

" yeah ... that's true ... " Minako answered Saori's questioning stare " I even got my brother in various problems because of that"

" so what exactly happened ? " Minato looked at his sister

" Mr. Ekoda wants to ... "

" not that ape again ! " Minato clutched his forehead " what is it this time ?! "

" he thinks Saori's been out nightclubbing and mingling with bad groups at night , and he's relying on a newspaper article written by a swindler to prove it "

" he also thinks that I've been sleeping with other students " Saori sighed

" and what's his basis on such a ridiculous claim ? "

" rumors from talkative students , can you believe that ?! " Minako exclaimed

" okay , we'll investigate the situation " Minato decided " the rumors should be easy to debunk , even Junpei can help with that . What I'm worried about is the newspaper article . Do you have a copy of it ? "

" I .... no ... "

" we'll have to buy one from the bookstore by Iwatodai mall "

" why ... why are you helping me ? " Saori trembled

" there's one thing I can't stand , and that's false allegations " Minato sighed " there was one famous player who's still speedrunning many games , most of which are RPGs . You can say they were among the best players , if they weren't the best "

" you don't mean Casper , do you ? "

" yes ... a rumor spread about them cheating on their girlfriend with another girl , as well as more serious accusations . I was actually among those who bought into it and harassed the poor player . They didn't want to reveal much of themselves , but when the accusations and the bullying piled on and on , Casper revealed that they were only nine years old , before deciding to quit playing video games "

" what ?! "

" I don't know why they thought it was necessary to hide this much information about themself , but if their age was this shocking , then I imagine they had a good reason " Minako remarked

" the reasons don't matter , there was no proof of cheating , not even photos , just text messages . Because of text messages , Casper was scarred from participating in any online game or competition for two years , they only began streaming again a few months ago . That's why I don't want to see a person being accused of something they didn't do "

" right ... thank you so much ... "


The next day came and ended faster than the twins could hope for , and they had to answer to the allegations against Saori by tomorrow . While the rumors were easily traced and debunked , with Mitsuru deciding to announce the results of the investigation in the rumors during a morning school assembly tomorrow , they still had to worry about the newspaper article . They couldn't prove that the reporter was a liar , and the photo was what made their situation even worse .

" this isn't happening " Minako sighed as she watched the students leave the school " time is running out , Minato , what should we do ?! "

PERSONA 3 RED and BLUE ( COMPLETED ) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora