Mariana blushes bright red and I just looked stupid on the phone.

Matt looked lost in his thoughts as to why he isn't the team captain.

Looking back at Cindy, she's having a 'wtf' moment.

"Is that??? chemistry? bitch... BITCH" she slams her tweezers down.

I honestly can't take her seriously, the bitch only has one lash in and she's fluttering her eyes with that surprised o-faced shape.

"You look like a fish with Down syndrome," I said plainly and Matt blurts out the loudest laugh on the call.

Mariana gasps softly and covers her smile with her hand.... Cindy? Not happy.

"I'm here being your wing woman and this is how you thank me?" She glares at me.

I couldn't breathe, I was laughing so hard. What made the situation even worse was when she fluttered her eyes with her glare and Matt screen shot it.

"Oh my- MATT!" She roars.

"Bro it's a Live Photo, even better," he wheezes.

"You better not!" Cindy's face turns pink.

"I'm sending this to the chat," he puts us on pause real quick.

"Donavan, you're going to delete that photo and forget it ever existed or I'm having you as water boy for the homecoming game!" Cindy hangs up.

"I better go talk to her, don't get each other prego. Use protection! Ah the youngsters," Matt waves at his camera and leaves the call.

Now it's just me and Marianna...

"We can talk about it. If it makes you feel any better, I don't think you did it. So what if the security footage was deleted? I'm sure we can gather up enough witnesses to prove that you had nothing to do with it," she sets her phone across the side of her bed and adjusts the pillows. She's so optimistic.

"Apart from you guys, the rest of the entire school thinks I did.. wait she did say they were deleted!" I sat back up.

Mariana looked confused but Pleased I wasn't as bogged down, "you're a genius! Dude I could kiss you!" I yelled and end up waking Jiggy.

He's a heavy sleeper, he just tugs at my socks until I noticed and scooped him up to lay on my tummy.

"Really?" Marianna bites her lip.

"I mean- yeah.. I've already done it before," I shrugged.

"True, but aren't you gonna tell me what your aha moment is so I don't feel left out?" she smiles brightly.

"There should be a recently deleted tab in the security footage files, I can't believe no one's considered it. But hey, it's just easier to pin it all on me. We don't even know who to trust or a possible known suspect," I shrugged and stroked Jiggy behind his ear.

"I'll share word with Cindy, but I'm pretty sure she's gonna make the girls do a blood sworn oath to enforce that no one tells a soul outside the group- wait how do you know about the recently deleted stuff?" She hits me dead on with the facts.

"Remember that one incident with the golf carts on last year's home coming," I nervously laughed.

Nicole: idk if you're up but we need to talk ab....

I do the biggest eye roll. And just ignore the notification. I don't need to be reminded that I'm capable of hurting someone out of cruelty.

"Omg yes! Someone paint-balled the golf carts in our school colors. I personally thought, it looked badass. The football coach wasn't even upset about it after everyone hyped it up. No one could find the culprit, but- oh my god, that was you?!" She covers her mouth. She's so cute and quirky.

"Deleted the footage, and deleted the recently deleted files. Could not trace back a single thing," I smiled proudly but then sighed hopelessly.

"You know what you need?" She giggles, I'm down for whatever with her.

"someone to prove my innocence as I deal with two weeks of school suspension and could possibly put myself at risk of not being able to walk to the stage?" I shrugged.

"Hehe, that too but you need a photo shoot... and your senior yearbook pics need to be taken. I'm the president of the school year book committee and you're pretty much the only one who hasn't done them. Share your location and I'm coming by tomorrow with my photoshoot equipment."

"I don't have any money right now. I get paid next week," I groan.

"You don't have to pay me silly, I'm just trying to be nice," she laughs.

"See you tomorrow, I guess," I scratched the back of my head with a nervous smile as I share my current location.

"Hey Olly?" Mariana cuts me.

"Do you maybe... wanna sleep on the phone together tonight? I know it's weird, but to imagine what you're going through must be lonely since almost the whole school thinks you did such a horrible thing..." she rambles on.

"First time for everything," I sigh and adjust my phone at a comfortable angle for it to stand on its own.

"Olly?" Mariana breaks the silence again.

"Mmmmm," I turn to my side so I'm not facing her. I really thought it would make a difference but I found myself smiling.

"Goodnight," she whispered and I hear her bed sheets rustle as she lies down as well.... it didn't take long for me to hear a light snore from her.

I close my eyes and I then I hear a voice, maybe two in the background:

"Oh- oh- oh, I think their sleeping," Matt whispers.

"No shit, Sherlock," Cindy whisper yells back...

"Matt, are you gonna watch them sleep?!"

He clicks his tongue and sighs, "no. It's just that- this is so cute. Goodnight my little ones," his kisses the screen and leaves the call.

"God you're so fucking weird... anywho, by power invested in me, I now grant these two the will to hook up over the weekend- kay kay byeeee," Cindy signs off.

I'm so getting them back.

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