Chapter 161

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Olly's POV

"She really tied you up?" Matt's eyes grew wide.

"I always knew cheerleaders were kinky, but damn," Chiharu stares off into space while we all talk about what happened after laser tag last night.

"Okay but the real question is, did you like it?" Chiharu's eyes glowed with curiosity. It's like she already knows the answer. She just wants confirmation.

"Yes... that's definitely a memory I won't be forgetting any time soon," I zoned out recalling everything from that night.

I actually enjoyed it...

....Mariana, I should check in on her. Lord knows Cindy had fun. But Mariana is very fragile.

"I think you should check in with your girl. Mariana gives off the good girl vibes and what she did last night, was baddddd," Chiharu teased and Matt chuckled.

"Yeah yeah yeah, I'm on it," I reached in my pocket and dialed her number.

"Speaker please," Matt raises his finger.

I rolled my eyes with a smile.

"Hi Ollyyyy!" I hear Mariana chirps with excitement over the phone. That's a good sign. She's in a good mood.

"Hey you. How are thing?" I took a light approach.

"Me and Cindy are getting our toes done right now, but I've been meaning to talk to you- about... you know, that night," she talks a little bit lower over the phone.

Chiharu's brows raises up in curiosity and Matt flies across my room to prop himself up comfortably in my bed to listen in.

"My love, it was literally last night," I chuckled.

"Yeah, but I just got done going to church with Cindy's family and I still feel guilty," she pouts.

"But all seriousness, I wanted to talk to you about it and see if- i don't know. Did something about it, rub off the wrong way?" She fumbles around with her words.

"No, not at all actually. Don't feel guilty, it was literally a bet. Fair and square- I'm not sure how the bet applied when it was tie but I'm not a sore loser, or a complainer. It was a new experience for all of us. Plus we all know I'm very open minded. We don't have to make it a habit, Mariana, no," I found myself laughing as I think I found out what may have been her concern.

"Oh thank god! One and done, got it," she sighs in relief.

"I told you there's nothing to worry about. Any kinky person would have enjoyed that last night. Have you forgotten that I even asked Olly on a scale of 1-10 how kinky she is before we made the bet? Like- I cannot be the only one with logic here," I hear Cindy from Mariana's end.

"Well, I just had to make sure!" Mariana defends her concerns.

"Look, we just wasted how much time? If olly didn't like it, she wouldn't have agreed to the bet. Not even that, she wouldn't have shown up at my place. Actually, if she had ANY last minute thoughts, she would've spoken the fuck up. If it's anything I know about that girl, I know she's not a bitch to speak the fuck up!" Cindy snaps.

"That has got to be the nicest thing you said about me.." I died off in the background.

"I respect you," she scoffs.

"So are we gonna ignore the fact that Cindy ate pussy for the first time last night," Matt jumped in.

I could've sworn I heard water splash around when Cindy spazzed out, "listen here, at least it was with someone I knew personally Donavan," she emphasized at the end.

"What's she implying?" Chiharu is still clueless.

"The bitch is implying that my first was a random hookup, a very good random hookup at that," he said.

"Can you guys bicker another time?" I came in again.

"Matt's a man whore," Chiharu snuck in her last words and a pillow was tossed across the room and she fights a laugh.

"We're okay, yes? Or do you want me to stop by and we can talk about this?" I offered.

"No, Olly, that's fine. It's just- I've never done anything like that before so I wanted to check in with you..." She mumbled off. I can tell she's getting more embarrassed the longer we talk about it in front of everyone else.

"What would you have done if I didn't like it?" I asked a good question.

"No fucking way that could've happened because I asked you on a scale of one to ten, how kinky are you? This whole thing is reliant on your viewpoint: either you're kinky or you're not. Simple. Sheesh, we're not gonna make it a habit- this is Mariana we're talking about," Cindy butts in. But it was a good butt in.

"I think that's where the guilt is coming from... Depending on how comfortable you were with the bet, I wouldn't have agreed as well. It was because you were comfortable with the circumstances, I was comfortable. Honestly, it's our relationship and as long as we talk to each other about things, we're okay," Mariana concluded.

"I couldn't have possibly agreed anymore. You're pretty kinky yourself if you had fun," I teased.

"I'd so smack you upside the head Olly you're lucky this is a phone call," Mariana gets flustered.

"You two have fun," I hung up laughing.

"Well you heard the bad bitch, it's their relationship, we can't judge if they're still happy together after it happened," Matt is still in shock.

"You think you could've handled it if it was a threesome?" Chiharu tests me.

"That's where we draw the line. Me? In the same bed with my Middle school rival- Cindy???? Never," I bursted out in tears laughing my ass off.

"Points have been made, but what the fuck are we gonna do on Valentines Day?" Matt takes part.

"Are we all okay with going to Denny's and then the plaza?" I looked at the both of them.

"What's Denny's?" Chiharu tilts her head and her ponytail swings to the side as her bangs do a light bounce.

"Chinky, you're gonna love it here," Matt shakes his head with a smile.

"Oh- and Olly, if it's possible to go to the book store while we're at the plaza, I have to pick up my gift for you," her eyes lit up.

"What about me?!" Matt whines.

"You're so whiny," she pulls out a small gift wrapped box and tossed it towards him.

"Versace, shut up," she twirls her ponytail.

"I'll shut up after I say thank you.... thank you," he bows his head.

"Okay but what about me? What did you get me?" And I found myself curious as to what on earth Matt got Chiharu.

"I'm paying whatever you get at Denny's," he said proudly and I threw a pillow at him.

"That was my present because I know she's never been to Denny's you faggot!" I was offended and we both laughed.

"But no, I have it all planned," I smiled brightly.


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