ignoring challenge (requested)

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As soon as you walked through the front door, you were excitedly running up the stairs to get to your shared bedroom to see Selena.

Your mood is bright. You've had a great day and you know Selena has too since she's had the day off to catch up on some sleep and binge-watch some of her favorite shows. You're excited to see her since you left so early this morning and only had the chance to give her a kiss goodbye before you had to walk out the door.

You entered your shared bedroom and saw her running the towel through her wet hair. She was staring straight ahead at the tv, watching whatever show she's put on now.

"Hey, Sel. How was your day?" You asked as you sat at the foot of the bed beside her. You leaned in to kiss her cheek, but she moved quickly, refusing to allow your lips to touch her cheek. You frowned, a look of confusion written all over your face.

"What is it?"

She remained silent. Not only was she not speaking to you, but she also wasn't looking at you, either.

"Okay, what's going on?" You asked, hoping she'd answer. But she didn't say a word. "Sel," you whined. "What is the matter with you? Why won't you talk to me?"

She got up to throw the towel in the basket. You quickly followed her and tried to wrap her in your arms, but she pulled away before you got the chance to fully envelop her in them. You watched her walk back to the bed and grab the remote to turn the volume up a few notches.

"I don't believe this." You spoke under your breath. "I don't know what I did wrong. Why are you mad at me? What did I do?"

That question stung. She couldn't deny that. But still, she didn't crack. She just went to reach for her phone instead.

You crawled onto her lap and looped your arms around her neck. You laid your cheek on her warm shoulder and let your lips brush against them. You know she's always weak over your kisses. You thought it was a surefire way to get her to speak to you.

"Stop ignoring me." You whined. "I don't like it. If I did something to hurt you or upset you, just say it."

She didn't say a word. Only shifted her gaze from her phone to the tv and then back to her phone.

"You know what? Fine. Be this way." You muttered, clearly frustrated. "Clearly, you don't want me around so I'll just leave. I'll pack my bags and find a place to stay until you feel like you want me again."

There was no denying the crack in your voice or the tears in your eyes as you stood. You took a step forward, but that's as far as you got. Because Selena was putting her arms around you and bringing you back into her lap.

You sniffled, shedding a tear or two. Your once happy mood was gone, now replaced with an indescribable sadness as you buried your face in her neck.

"Just tell me if you don't want me around."

She squeezed you tightly with a sad sigh. She'd only made it thirty minutes into the twenty-four-hour challenge her friends dared her to try, but she didn't even care. You were hurting and she knew she had to make it better.

"How could you ever think I don't want you?" She whispered.

"You weren't talking to me. You were just flat-out ignoring me."

"It was a challenge, baby." She whispered, staring down at you adoringly as you lifted your head to look at her.

"That's stupid."

She chuckled and used her thumb to wipe away the one tear falling from your eye. "I agree. I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

You nodded and closed your eyes to lean into her touch as she began to caress your cheek.

"I made my baby sad, time to make it better." She said as she gently pushed you off of her and onto your back. You started to laugh as she hovered over you and started to pepper kisses across your cheek.

"No," you whined, trying to pretend that your happiness was returning. "I'm really mad at you, Sel. You made me sad."

She dropped her forehead onto yours, looking into your eyes before closing them to kiss your lips softly.

"I'm sorry. Never again. It was stupid." She admitted against your lips. "Don't be sad anymore. Please? Tell me what I can do to make it better."

She pulled away, peppering kisses along your jaw and down to your neck.

"You're making me feel better now that you're talking to me again." You said. "I love you. Please don't ever do this again."

"Never, angel. I love you so much."

You melted into her lips as she leaned in to kiss you again and again.

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