slow dancing in the rain

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You headed toward the path in the park, turning around when you didn't feel Selena's hand in yours. You saw her looking up at the sky, looking hesitant to continue on your walk when it looked so stormy.

"Selena? Come on."

"You sure you don't wanna turn back? It looks like rain, angel." She said as she made her way to you. "I'm not gonna melt if it does, Sel." She shook her head with a laugh and you continued to walk together.

You talked about your week. You've both been busy so it was nice that you finally had some quality time together. She talked about the progress she's made on new music while you talked about your own work. The wind started to pick up a little and Selena frowned. Thankfully, you both dressed in your comfiest pair of sweats, so you were warm.

But it wasn't so much the air that was beginning to get a little chilly that worried Selena. It was the idea that you were beginning to get further away from the car and it seemed like a possible storm was headed your way. She stopped when she felt a raindrop hit her chest. You both looked up at the sky and tiny raindrops hit your faces when you did.

You laughed and wiped it away. "Should we head back?" She asked, to which you just tugged at your lip. "Actually, if you don't mind getting a little wet, there's one thing I've always wanted to do."

She furrowed her eyebrows but when you extended your hand out to her she happily took it and let your fingers intertwine. "What is it exactly?" She wondered as the rain began to fall harder and harder.

You stood on the sidewalk, looking around to make sure that you could both keep this moment as romantic and private as possible. You took one of her hands and put it on your hip but let her choose where she wanted to lay her other one, and she decided to lay it on your side.

You put your arms around her neck then buried your face in the crook of it. You swayed your hips slowly and even though there was no music playing, it all came naturally. You both moved slowly and occasionally, she'd move her hand to grab yours and twirl you around.

A giggle fell from your lips and her heart fluttered. She laid her forehead against yours. "Y/n?"

"Yes, Sel?"

She cracked a smile as she looked into your eyes. "I think this might be the most romantic thing anyone has ever done with me. I always thought the fancy dates we had were romantic, but this is unbeatable."

You leaned in and gave her a kiss. "Same here. I've always dreamt of doing this... I was just waiting for the right person to do it with."

Selena twirled you around again. "I love you." She whispered and the smile you sent her made her feel as though her heart might burst. "I love you too," you pressed your lips back to hers and she let her hand move along your side as you kissed passionately in the rain, somehow making the moment even more romantic than it was already.

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